FoxPro/Visual FoxPro - List of Fixes in Visual FoxPro 9.0 SP2 Part 2

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List of Fixes in Visual FoxPro 9.0 SP2 Part 2

Publicado por Ernesto Hernandez (4623 intervenciones) el 13/10/2007 05:08:40
COPY TO SDF a integer field can to be incorrect
VFP8: Engine - Fatal exception with EVL(,(TTOC()) in field list
VFP9: Error Reading File infinite loop if drive disabled while file open and data session window open
VFP9 SP2 CTP Crashes when closing browse window
VFP: Too many variables crash VFP
VFP8: Access keys in RTL environment bugs (BIDI)
Help->About->System Information gives err msg on Vista
VFP9: IDE - Error "Invalid BROWSE setup -- default setup used" browsing a cursor with name >35 chars when a cursor with same name up to the 35 char point has settings stored in resource file
C5 exception after closing BROWSE window
Closing browse windows makes VFP9 SP2 CTP Crash - local tables
Error c0000005 in browse of table
BUG in FOX PRO 9 SP2 -- Browse crashes after connecting to SQL Server
ERROR while closing the BROWSE window in development environment
VFP9 SP2: Crash When Press Ctrl+F4 to Close the browse window

SYS(1272) crashes VFP
VFP8: Private Datesession causes editbox to overwrite existing data
VFP8: Language - DefaultValue set to NULL on view field via DBSETPROP() does not get stored to underlying table
VFP8: VFP crash in AppVerifier
VFP9: Language - Fatal exception with JUST*() and FORCE*() functions when passing certain strings
VFP9 SP1: Behavior of FSEEK() is changed in VFP9 SP1 for files opened using mode 10,11,12.
VFP9: name table overflow during load of large number of procedures causes incorrect behavior
VFP9: Unbindevent from within BoundEvent causes invalid memory access
VFP8: Language - SYS(3050,1) returns a negative number on a mchine with 4 GIGs of RAM
DCR: Language - Make 1104 and 1105 errors report GetLastError() information
VFP7: SQL Select with NOT IN subquery returns incorrect results if WHERE clause for subquery has "constant" false expression
VFP7: ALL, SOME, ANY fails for == operator.
VFP7: An attempt to use DBF('cursor') in the FROM clause fails when the file hasn't been created on disk.
VFP6: COUNT(*) returns incorrect result when tables are joined using GENERAL collate.
COUNT(*) can return wrong results under some conditions when SET COLLATE is not MACHINE
With outher join, orphan rows and specific field type, the SELECT can fail
Projection subquery can return wrong result whitin a empty group query
GETPEM(),PEMSTATUS() and SYS(1269) don't support Memo or Blob field
VFP6: "Subquery returned more than one record." error is not reported if result of the sub-query is compared with == operator (works as expected for = operator)
SQL internal error when using a UNION
VFP9: SQL-DELETE command doesn't respect OUTER modifier for a join with the target table
VFP 9.0 - When APPENDing a CSV file to a FoxPro table, sometimes the day is incorrect and the year is always incorrect.

Execscript() Crashing Build
TFS MSSCCI Provider crashes in VFP 9

VFP9 : Cancelling print closes the print preview
VFP9: Report fields are not printed in long group headers
dynamic style for field in report
Reporting: Ole/picture controls referencing files included in an EXE lock the EXE file after running the report
Group headers don't always print on a new page
In Xbase code in either of the dynamic ReportListener events (EvaluateContents and AdjustObjectSize), Report Variables that contain object references can't be used properly
VFP9: Error "At least one required index tag is missing from the configuration table...." on "DO ( _REPORTOUTPUT ) WITH 5, <oLsnr>" when SET( "FIXED" ) == ON
VFP9: XMLListener code doesn't account for CREATE REPORT ... FROM (DBF(ALIAS())) 's behavior when SET FULLPATH is OFF
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