La Web del Programador: Comunidad de Programadores
    Pregunta:  32184 - ¿QUÉ ES LEX?
Autor:  Rachel
Me gustaría que me enviarán información acerca de LEX y sus principales funciones y características.

  Respuesta:  cabezon ___
---en una lista de lenguajes solo encontrè esto
Lex -
1. Input language to the Lex scanner generator. "Lex - A Lexical Analyzer Generator", M.E. Lesk, CS TR 39, Bell Labs (Oct 1975). (See Flex).
Implementation: ML-lex - Implementation and output in SML/NJ.

2. Lexical specification language for COPS. "Metalanguages of the Compiler Production System COPS", J. Borowiec, in GI Fachgesprach "Compiler-Compiler", ed W. Henhapl, Tech Hochs Darmstadt 1978, pp.122-159.

1. Faster LEX. A reimplementation of Lex. "The FLEX Scanner Generator", Vern Paxson [email protected]>, Systems Engineering, LBL, CA. (See Lex).
// with Ada output
// with C++ output

2. Real-time language for dynamic environments. "FLEX: Towards Flexible Real-Time Programs", K. Lin et al, Computer Langs 16(1):65-79 (Jan 1991).

3. Alan Kay, ca 1967. Early object-oriented language for the FLEX machine. A simplification of Simula, and a predecessor of Smalltalk.

Flex 2 - ca. 1980. A preprocessor designed to make FORTRAN look more like
Pascal. DECUS?