RESPUESTA A LA PREGUNTA 373 - FOXPRO/VISUAL FOXPRO ************************************************** *-- Class: _datanavbtns (c:\vfp98\ffc\_datanav.vcx) *-- ParentClass: _container (c:\vfp98\ffc\_base.vcx) *-- BaseClass: container *-- VCR Buttons with Data Checker * #INCLUDE "c:\vfp98\ffc\_data.h" * DEFINE CLASS _datanavbtns AS _container Width = 104 Height = 24 BorderWidth = 1 BackColor = RGB(192,192,192) *-- The table to move the record pointer in . skiptable = "" *-- Whether to enable/disable buttons when first loaded. enabledisableoninit = .T. Name = "_datanavbtns" ADD OBJECT cmdtop AS _commandbutton WITH ; Top = 0, ; Left = 0, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 26, ; FontBold = .T., ; FontName = "Courier New", ; FontSize = 11, ; Caption = "|<", ; TabIndex = 1, ; ToolTipText = "Top", ; Name = "cmdTop" ADD OBJECT cmdprior AS _commandbutton WITH ; Top = 0, ; Left = 26, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 26, ; FontBold = .T., ; FontName = "Courier New", ; FontSize = 11, ; Caption = "<", ; TabIndex = 2, ; ToolTipText = "Prior", ; Name = "cmdPrior" ADD OBJECT cmdnext AS _commandbutton WITH ; Top = 0, ; Left = 52, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 26, ; FontBold = .T., ; FontName = "Courier New", ; FontSize = 11, ; Caption = ">", ; TabIndex = 3, ; ToolTipText = "Next", ; Name = "cmdNext" ADD OBJECT cmdbottom AS _commandbutton WITH ; Top = 0, ; Left = 78, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 26, ; FontBold = .T., ; FontName = "Courier New", ; FontSize = 11, ; Caption = ">|", ; TabIndex = 4, ; ToolTipText = "Bottom", ; Name = "cmdBottom" ADD OBJECT datachecker1 AS _datachecker WITH ; Top = 6, ; Left = 44, ; Height = 15, ; Width = 23, ; Name = "Datachecker1" *-- Called each time the record pointer is moved, basically providing a new event for the class. PROCEDURE recordpointermoved IF TYPE('_VFP.ActiveForm') = 'O' _VFP.ActiveForm.Refresh ENDIF ENDPROC *-- Enables/disables buttons based on record pointer location. PROCEDURE enabledisablebuttons LOCAL nRec, nTop, nBottom IF EMPTY(ALIAS()) OR EOF() && Table empty or no records match a filter THIS.SetAll("Enabled", .F.) RETURN ENDIF nRec = RECNO() GO TOP nTop = RECNO() GO BOTTOM nBottom = RECNO() GO nRec DO CASE CASE nRec = nTop THIS.cmdTop.Enabled = .F. THIS.cmdPrior.Enabled = .F. THIS.cmdNext.Enabled = .T. THIS.cmdBottom.Enabled = .T. CASE nRec = nBottom THIS.cmdTop.Enabled = .T. THIS.cmdPrior.Enabled = .T. THIS.cmdNext.Enabled = .F. THIS.cmdBottom.Enabled = .F. OTHERWISE THIS.SetAll("Enabled", .T.) ENDCASE ENDPROC *-- Called before record pointer is moved. PROCEDURE beforerecordpointermoved IF !EMPTY(This.SkipTable) SELECT (This.SkipTable) ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE Error Parameters nError, cMethod, nLine LOCAL cNewTable, nConflictStatus, lcMsg, lnAnswer DO CASE CASE nError = 13 && Alias not found *----------------------------------------------------------- * If the user tries to move the record pointer when no * table is open or when an invalid SkipTable property has been * specified, prompt the user for a table to open. *----------------------------------------------------------- cNewTable = GETFILE('DBF', SELTABLE_LOC, OPEN_LOC) IF FILE(cNewTable) SELECT 0 USE (cNewTable) This.SkipTable = ALIAS() ELSE This.SkipTable = "" ENDIF CASE nError = 1585 *----------------------------------------------------------- * Update conflict handled by datachecker class. *----------------------------------------------------------- nConflictStatus = THIS.DataChecker1.CheckConflicts() IF nConflictStatus = 2 WAIT WINDOW CONFLICT_LOC ENDIF OTHERWISE *----------------------------------------------------------- * Display information about an unanticipated error. *----------------------------------------------------------- lcMsg = NUM_LOC + ALLTRIM(STR(nError)) + CR_LOC + CR_LOC + ; MSG_LOC + MESSAGE( )+ CR_LOC + CR_LOC + ; PROG_LOC + PROGRAM(1) lnAnswer = MESSAGEBOX(lcMsg, 2+48+512) DO CASE CASE lnAnswer = 3 &&Abort CANCEL CASE lnAnswer = 4 &&Retry RETRY OTHERWISE RETURN ENDCASE ENDCASE ENDPROC PROCEDURE Init IF THIS.EnableDisableOnInit THIS.EnableDisableButtons ENDIF ENDPROC PROCEDURE cmdtop.Click THIS.Parent.BeforeRecordPointerMoved GO TOP THIS.Parent.RecordPointerMoved THIS.Parent.EnableDisableButtons ENDPROC PROCEDURE cmdtop.Error Parameters nError, cMethod, nLine This.Parent.Error(nError, cMethod, nLine) ENDPROC PROCEDURE cmdprior.Click THIS.Parent.BeforeRecordPointerMoved SKIP -1 IF BOF() GO TOP ENDIF THIS.Parent.RecordPointerMoved THIS.Parent.EnableDisableButtons ENDPROC PROCEDURE cmdprior.Error Parameters nError, cMethod, nLine This.Parent.Error(nError, cMethod, nLine) ENDPROC PROCEDURE cmdnext.Click THIS.Parent.BeforeRecordPointerMoved SKIP 1 IF EOF() GO BOTTOM ENDIF THIS.Parent.RecordPointerMoved THIS.Parent.EnableDisableButtons ENDPROC PROCEDURE cmdnext.Error Parameters nError, cMethod, nLine This.Parent.Error(nError, cMethod, nLine) ENDPROC PROCEDURE cmdbottom.Click THIS.Parent.BeforeRecordPointerMoved GO BOTTOM THIS.Parent.EnableDisableButtons THIS.Parent.RecordPointerMoved ENDPROC PROCEDURE cmdbottom.Error Parameters nError, cMethod, nLine This.Parent.Error(nError, cMethod, nLine) ENDPROC ENDDEFINE * *-- EndDefine: _datanavbtns ************************************************** Pedro Mateo Arias