RESPUESTA A LA PREGUNTA 44128 - Visual Basic.NET jonathan bustamante saavedra - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Strict On Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports System.Text Imports System.Threading ' This class provides all the necessary support for communicating ' with the Comm Port (otherwise known as the Serial Port, or ' RS232 port). Public Class Rs232 ' Declare the necessary class variables, and their initial values. Private mhRS As Integer = -1 ' Handle to Com Port Private miPort As Integer = 4 ' Default is COM1 Private miTimeout As Integer = 70 ' Timeout in ms Private miBaudRate As Integer = 19200 '9600 Private meParity As DataParity = 0 Private meStopBit As DataStopBit = 0 Private miDataBit As Integer = 8 Private miBufferSize As Integer = 512 ' Buffers size default to 512 bytes Private mabtRxBuf As Byte() ' Receive buffer Private meMode As Mode ' Class working mode Private mbWaitOnRead As Boolean Private mbWaitOnWrite As Boolean Private mbWriteErr As Boolean Private muOverlapped As OVERLAPPED Private muOverlappedW As OVERLAPPED Private muOverlappedE As OVERLAPPED Private mabtTmpTxBuf As Byte() ' Temporary buffer used by Async Tx Private moThreadTx As Thread Private moThreadRx As Thread Private miTmpBytes2Read As Integer Private meMask As EventMasks #Region "Enums" ' This enumeration provides Data Parity values. Public Enum DataParity Parity_None = 0 Pariti_Odd Parity_Even Parity_Mark End Enum ' This enumeration provides Data Stop Bit values. ' It is set to begin with a one, so that the enumeration values ' match the actual values. Public Enum DataStopBit StopBit_1 = 1 StopBit_2 End Enum ' This enumeration contains values used to purge the various buffers. Private Enum PurgeBuffers RXAbort = &H2 RXClear = &H8 TxAbort = &H1 TxClear = &H4 End Enum ' This enumeration provides values for the lines sent to the Comm Port Private Enum Lines SetRts = 3 ClearRts = 4 SetDtr = 5 ClearDtr = 6 ResetDev = 7 ' Reset device if possible SetBreak = 8 ' Set the device break line. ClearBreak = 9 ' Clear the device break line. End Enum ' This enumeration provides values for the Modem Status, since ' we'll be communicating primarily with a modem. ' Note that the Flags() attribute is set to allow for a bitwise ' combination of values. Public Enum ModemStatusBits ClearToSendOn = &H10 DataSetReadyOn = &H20 RingIndicatorOn = &H40 CarrierDetect = &H80 End Enum ' This enumeration provides values for the Working mode Public Enum Mode NonOverlapped Overlapped End Enum ' This enumeration provides values for the Comm Masks used. ' Note that the Flags() attribute is set to allow for a bitwise ' combination of values. Public Enum EventMasks RxChar = &H1 RXFlag = &H2 TxBufferEmpty = &H4 ClearToSend = &H8 DataSetReady = &H10 ReceiveLine = &H20 Break = &H40 StatusError = &H80 Ring = &H100 End Enum #End Region #Region "Structures" ' This is the DCB structure used by the calls to the Windows API. Private Structure DCB Public DCBlength As Integer Public BaudRate As Integer Public Bits1 As Integer Public wReserved As Int16 Public XonLim As Int16 Public XoffLim As Int16 Public ByteSize As Byte Public Parity As Byte Public StopBits As Byte Public XonChar As Byte Public XoffChar As Byte Public ErrorChar As Byte Public EofChar As Byte Public EvtChar As Byte Public wReserved2 As Int16 End Structure ' This is the CommTimeOuts structure used by the calls to the Windows API. Private Structure COMMTIMEOUTS Public ReadIntervalTimeout As Integer Public ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier As Integer Public ReadTotalTimeoutConstant As Integer Public WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier As Integer Public WriteTotalTimeoutConstant As Integer End Structure ' This is the CommConfig structure used by the calls to the Windows API. Private Structure COMMCONFIG Public dwSize As Integer Public wVersion As Int16 Public wReserved As Int16 Public dcbx As DCB Public dwProviderSubType As Integer Public dwProviderOffset As Integer Public dwProviderSize As Integer Public wcProviderData As Byte End Structure ' This is the OverLapped structure used by the calls to the Windows API. Public Structure OVERLAPPED Public Internal As Integer Public InternalHigh As Integer Public Offset As Integer Public OffsetHigh As Integer Public hEvent As Integer End Structure #End Region #Region "Exceptions" ' This class defines a customized channel exception. This exception is ' raised when a NACK is raised. Public Class CIOChannelException : Inherits ApplicationException Sub New(ByVal Message As String) MyBase.New(Message) End Sub Sub New(ByVal Message As String, ByVal InnerException As Exception) MyBase.New(Message, InnerException) End Sub End Class ' This class defines a customized timeout exception. Public Class IOTimeoutException : Inherits CIOChannelException Sub New(ByVal Message As String) MyBase.New(Message) End Sub Sub New(ByVal Message As String, ByVal InnerException As Exception) MyBase.New(Message, InnerException) End Sub End Class #End Region #Region "Events" ' These events allow the program using this class to react to Comm Port ' events. Public Event DataReceived(ByVal Source As RS232, ByVal DataBuffer() As Byte) Public Event TxCompleted(ByVal Source As RS232) Public Event CommEvent(ByVal Source As RS232, ByVal Mask As EventMasks) #End Region #Region "Constants" ' These constants are used to make the code clearer. Private Const PURGE_RXABORT As Integer = &H2 Private Const PURGE_RXCLEAR As Integer = &H8 Private Const PURGE_TXABORT As Integer = &H1 Private Const PURGE_TXCLEAR As Integer = &H4 Private Const GENERIC_READ As Integer = &H80000000 Private Const GENERIC_WRITE As Integer = &H40000000 Private Const OPEN_EXISTING As Integer = 3 Private Const INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE As Integer = -1 Private Const IO_BUFFER_SIZE As Integer = 1024 Private Const FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED As Integer = &H40000000 Private Const ERROR_IO_PENDING As Integer = 997 Private Const WAIT_OBJECT_0 As Integer = 0 Private Const ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE As Integer = 996 Private Const WAIT_TIMEOUT As Integer = &H102& Private Const INFINITE As Integer = &HFFFFFFFF #End Region #Region "Properties" ' This property gets or sets the BaudRate Public Property BaudRate() As Integer Get Return miBaudRate End Get Set(ByVal Value As Integer) miBaudRate = Value End Set End Property ' This property gets or sets the BufferSize Public Property BufferSize() As Integer Get Return miBufferSize End Get Set(ByVal Value As Integer) miBufferSize = Value End Set End Property ' This property gets or sets the DataBit. Public Property DataBit() As Integer Get Return miDataBit End Get Set(ByVal Value As Integer) miDataBit = Value End Set End Property ' This write-only property sets or resets the DTR line. Public WriteOnly Property Dtr() As Boolean Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) If Not mhRS = -1 Then If Value Then EscapeCommFunction(mhRS, Lines.SetDtr) Else EscapeCommFunction(mhRS, Lines.ClearDtr) End If End If End Set End Property ' This read-only property returns an array of bytes that represents ' the input coming into the Comm Port. Overridable ReadOnly Property InputStream() As Byte() Get Return mabtRxBuf End Get End Property ' This read-only property returns a string that represents ' the data coming into to the Comm Port. Overridable ReadOnly Property InputStreamString() As String Get Dim oEncoder As New System.Text.ASCIIEncoding() Return oEncoder.GetString(Me.InputStream) End Get End Property ' This property returns the open status of the Comm Port. ReadOnly Property IsOpen() As Boolean Get Return CBool(mhRS <> -1) End Get End Property ' This read-only property returns the status of the modem. Public ReadOnly Property ModemStatus() As ModemStatusBits Get If mhRS = -1 Then Throw New ApplicationException("Please initialize and open " + _ "port before using this method") Else ' Retrieve modem status Dim lpModemStatus As Integer If Not GetCommModemStatus(mhRS, lpModemStatus) Then Throw New ApplicationException("Unable to get modem status") Else Return CType(lpModemStatus, ModemStatusBits) End If End If End Get End Property ' This property gets or sets the Parity Public Property Parity() As DataParity Get Return meParity End Get Set(ByVal Value As DataParity) meParity = Value End Set End Property ' This property gets or sets the Port Public Property Port() As Integer Get Return miPort End Get Set(ByVal Value As Integer) miPort = Value End Set End Property ' This write-only property sets or resets the RTS line. Public WriteOnly Property Rts() As Boolean Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) If Not mhRS = -1 Then If Value Then EscapeCommFunction(mhRS, Lines.SetRts) Else EscapeCommFunction(mhRS, Lines.ClearRts) End If End If End Set End Property ' This property gets or sets the StopBit Public Property StopBit() As DataStopBit Get Return meStopBit End Get Set(ByVal Value As DataStopBit) meStopBit = Value End Set End Property ' This property gets or sets the Timeout Public Overridable Property Timeout() As Integer Get Return miTimeout End Get Set(ByVal Value As Integer) miTimeout = CInt(IIf(Value = 0, 500, Value)) ' If Port is open updates it on the fly pSetTimeout() End Set End Property ' This property gets or sets the working mode to overlapped ' or non-overlapped. Public Property WorkingMode() As Mode Get Return meMode End Get Set(ByVal Value As Mode) meMode = Value End Set End Property #End Region #Region "Win32API" ' The following functions are the required Win32 functions needed to ' make communication with the Comm Port possible. Private Shared Function BuildCommDCB( _ ByVal lpDef As String, ByRef lpDCB As DCB) As Integer End Function Private Shared Function ClearCommError( _ ByVal hFile As Integer, ByVal lpErrors As Integer, _ ByVal l As Integer) As Integer End Function Private Shared Function CloseHandle( _ ByVal hObject As Integer) As Integer End Function Private Shared Function CreateEvent( _ ByVal lpEventAttributes As Integer, ByVal bManualReset As Integer, _ ByVal bInitialState As Integer, _ ByVal lpName As String) As Integer End Function Private Shared Function CreateFile( _ ByVal lpFileName As String, _ ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Integer, ByVal dwShareMode As Integer, _ ByVal lpSecurityAttributes As Integer, _ ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Integer, _ ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Integer, _ ByVal hTemplateFile As Integer) As Integer End Function Private Shared Function EscapeCommFunction( _ ByVal hFile As Integer, ByVal ifunc As Long) As Boolean End Function Private Shared Function FormatMessage( _ ByVal dwFlags As Integer, ByVal lpSource As Integer, _ ByVal dwMessageId As Integer, ByVal dwLanguageId As Integer, _ ByVal lpBuffer As String, _ ByVal nSize As Integer, ByVal Arguments As Integer) As Integer End Function Private Declare Function FormatMessage Lib "kernel32" Alias _ "FormatMessageA" (ByVal dwFlags As Integer, ByVal lpSource As Integer, _ ByVal dwMessageId As Integer, ByVal dwLanguageId As Integer, _ ByVal lpBuffer As StringBuilder, ByVal nSize As Integer, _ ByVal Arguments As Integer) As Integer Public Shared Function GetCommModemStatus( _ ByVal hFile As Integer, ByRef lpModemStatus As Integer) As Boolean End Function Private Shared Function GetCommState( _ ByVal hCommDev As Integer, ByRef lpDCB As DCB) As Integer End Function Private Shared Function GetCommTimeouts( _ ByVal hFile As Integer, ByRef lpCommTimeouts As COMMTIMEOUTS) As Integer End Function Private Shared Function GetLastError() As Integer End Function Private Shared Function GetOverlappedResult( _ ByVal hFile As Integer, ByRef lpOverlapped As OVERLAPPED, _ ByRef lpNumberOfBytesTransferred As Integer, _ ByVal bWait As Integer) As Integer End Function Private Shared Function PurgeComm( _ ByVal hFile As Integer, ByVal dwFlags As Integer) As Integer End Function Private Shared Function ReadFile( _ ByVal hFile As Integer, ByVal Buffer As Byte(), _ ByVal nNumberOfBytesToRead As Integer, _ ByRef lpNumberOfBytesRead As Integer, _ ByRef lpOverlapped As OVERLAPPED) As Integer End Function Private Shared Function SetCommTimeouts( _ ByVal hFile As Integer, ByRef lpCommTimeouts As COMMTIMEOUTS) As Integer End Function Private Shared Function SetCommState( _ ByVal hCommDev As Integer, ByRef lpDCB As DCB) As Integer End Function Private Shared Function SetupComm( _ ByVal hFile As Integer, ByVal dwInQueue As Integer, _ ByVal dwOutQueue As Integer) As Integer End Function Private Shared Function SetCommMask( _ ByVal hFile As Integer, ByVal lpEvtMask As Integer) As Integer End Function Private Shared Function WaitCommEvent( _ ByVal hFile As Integer, ByRef Mask As EventMasks, _ ByRef lpOverlap As OVERLAPPED) As Integer End Function Private Shared Function WaitForSingleObject( _ ByVal hHandle As Integer, ByVal dwMilliseconds As Integer) As Integer End Function Private Shared Function WriteFile( _ ByVal hFile As Integer, ByVal Buffer As Byte(), _ ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Integer, _ ByRef lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Integer, _ ByRef lpOverlapped As OVERLAPPED) As Integer End Function #End Region #Region "Methods" ' This subroutine invokes a thread to perform an asynchronous read. ' This routine should not be called directly, but is used ' by the class. Public Sub _R() Dim iRet As Integer = Read(miTmpBytes2Read) End Sub ' This subroutine invokes a thread to perform an asynchronous write. ' This routine should not be called directly, but is used ' by the class. Public Sub _W() Write(mabtTmpTxBuf) End Sub ' This subroutine uses another thread to read from the Comm Port. It ' raises RxCompleted when done. It reads an integer. Public Overloads Sub AsyncRead(ByVal Bytes2Read As Integer) If meMode <> Mode.Overlapped Then Throw New ApplicationException( _ "Async Methods allowed only when WorkingMode=Overlapped") miTmpBytes2Read = Bytes2Read moThreadTx = New Thread(AddressOf _R) moThreadTx.Start() End Sub ' This subroutine uses another thread to write to the Comm Port. It ' raises TxCompleted when done. It writes an array of bytes. Public Overloads Sub AsyncWrite(ByVal Buffer() As Byte) If meMode <> Mode.Overlapped Then Throw New ApplicationException( _ "Async Methods allowed only when WorkingMode=Overlapped") If mbWaitOnWrite = True Then Throw New ApplicationException( _ "Unable to send message because of pending transmission.") mabtTmpTxBuf = Buffer moThreadTx = New Thread(AddressOf _W) moThreadTx.Start() End Sub ' This subroutine uses another thread to write to the Comm Port. It ' raises TxCompleted when done. It writes a string. Public Overloads Sub AsyncWrite(ByVal Buffer As String) Dim oEncoder As New System.Text.ASCIIEncoding() Dim aByte() As Byte = oEncoder.GetBytes(Buffer) Me.AsyncWrite(aByte) End Sub ' This function takes the ModemStatusBits and returns a boolean value ' signifying whether the Modem is active. Public Function CheckLineStatus(ByVal Line As ModemStatusBits) As Boolean Return Convert.ToBoolean(ModemStatus And Line) End Function ' This subroutine clears the input buffer. Public Sub ClearInputBuffer() If Not mhRS = -1 Then PurgeComm(mhRS, PURGE_RXCLEAR) End If End Sub ' This subroutine closes the Comm Port. Public Sub Close() If mhRS <> -1 Then CloseHandle(mhRS) mhRS = -1 End If End Sub ' This subroutine opens and initializes the Comm Port Public Overloads Sub Open() ' Get Dcb block,Update with current data Dim uDcb As DCB, iRc As Integer ' Set working mode Dim iMode As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(IIf(meMode = Mode.Overlapped, _ FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0)) ' Initializes Com Port If miPort > 0 Then Try ' Creates a COM Port stream handle mhRS = CreateFile("COM" & miPort.ToString, _ GENERIC_READ Or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, _ OPEN_EXISTING, iMode, 0) If mhRS <> -1 Then ' Clear all comunication errors Dim lpErrCode As Integer iRc = ClearCommError(mhRS, lpErrCode, 0&) ' Clears I/O buffers iRc = PurgeComm(mhRS, PurgeBuffers.RXClear Or _ PurgeBuffers.TxClear) ' Gets COM Settings iRc = GetCommState(mhRS, uDcb) ' Updates COM Settings Dim sParity As String = "NOEM" sParity = sParity.Substring(meParity, 1) ' Set DCB State Dim sDCBState As String = String.Format( _ "baud={0} parity={1} data={2} stop={3}", _ miBaudRate, sParity, miDataBit, CInt(meStopBit)) iRc = BuildCommDCB(sDCBState, uDcb) iRc = SetCommState(mhRS, uDcb) If iRc = 0 Then Dim sErrTxt As String = pErr2Text(GetLastError()) Throw New CIOChannelException( _ "Unable to set COM state0" & sErrTxt) End If ' Setup Buffers (Rx,Tx) iRc = SetupComm(mhRS, miBufferSize, miBufferSize) ' Set Timeouts pSetTimeout() Else ' Raise Initialization problems Throw New CIOChannelException( _ "Unable to open COM" & miPort.ToString) End If Catch Ex As Exception ' Generica error Throw New CIOChannelException(Ex.Message, Ex) End Try Else ' Port not defined, cannot open Throw New ApplicationException("COM Port not defined, " + _ "use Port property to set it before invoking InitPort") End If End Sub ' This subroutine opens and initializes the Comm Port (overloaded ' to support parameters). Public Overloads Sub Open(ByVal Port As Integer, _ ByVal BaudRate As Integer, ByVal DataBit As Integer, _ ByVal Parity As DataParity, ByVal StopBit As DataStopBit, _ ByVal BufferSize As Integer) Me.Port = Port Me.BaudRate = BaudRate Me.DataBit = DataBit Me.Parity = Parity Me.StopBit = StopBit Me.BufferSize = BufferSize Open() End Sub ' This function translates an API error code to text. Private Function pErr2Text(ByVal lCode As Integer) As String Dim sRtrnCode As New StringBuilder(256) Dim lRet As Integer lRet = FormatMessage(&H1000, 0, lCode, 0, sRtrnCode, 256, 0) If lRet > 0 Then Return sRtrnCode.ToString Else Return "Error not found." End If End Function ' This subroutine handles overlapped reads. Private Sub pHandleOverlappedRead(ByVal Bytes2Read As Integer) Dim iReadChars, iRc, iRes, iLastErr As Integer muOverlapped.hEvent = CreateEvent(Nothing, 1, 0, Nothing) If muOverlapped.hEvent = 0 Then ' Can't create event Throw New ApplicationException( _ "Error creating event for overlapped read.") Else ' Ovellaped reading If mbWaitOnRead = False Then ReDim mabtRxBuf(Bytes2Read - 1) iRc = ReadFile(mhRS, mabtRxBuf, Bytes2Read, _ iReadChars, muOverlapped) If iRc = 0 Then iLastErr = GetLastError() If iLastErr <> ERROR_IO_PENDING Then Throw New ArgumentException("Overlapped Read Error: " & _ pErr2Text(iLastErr)) Else ' Set Flag mbWaitOnRead = True End If Else ' Read completed successfully RaiseEvent DataReceived(Me, mabtRxBuf) End If End If End If ' Wait for operation to be completed If mbWaitOnRead Then iRes = WaitForSingleObject(muOverlapped.hEvent, miTimeout) Select Case iRes Case WAIT_OBJECT_0 ' Object signaled,operation completed If GetOverlappedResult(mhRS, muOverlapped, _ iReadChars, 0) = 0 Then ' Operation error iLastErr = GetLastError() If iLastErr = ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE Then Throw New ApplicationException( _ "Read operation incomplete") Else Throw New ApplicationException( _ "Read operation error " & iLastErr.ToString) End If Else ' Operation completed RaiseEvent DataReceived(Me, mabtRxBuf) mbWaitOnRead = False End If Case WAIT_TIMEOUT Throw New IOTimeoutException("Timeout error") Case Else Throw New ApplicationException("Overlapped read error") End Select End If End Sub ' This subroutine handles overlapped writes. Private Function pHandleOverlappedWrite(ByVal Buffer() As Byte) As Boolean Dim iBytesWritten, iRc, iLastErr, iRes As Integer, bErr As Boolean muOverlappedW.hEvent = CreateEvent(Nothing, 1, 0, Nothing) If muOverlappedW.hEvent = 0 Then ' Can't create event Throw New ApplicationException( _ "Error creating event for overlapped write.") Else ' Overllaped write PurgeComm(mhRS, PURGE_RXCLEAR Or PURGE_TXCLEAR) mbWaitOnRead = True iRc = WriteFile(mhRS, Buffer, Buffer.Length, _ iBytesWritten, muOverlappedW) If iRc = 0 Then iLastErr = GetLastError() If iLastErr <> ERROR_IO_PENDING Then Throw New ArgumentException("Overlapped Read Error: " & _ pErr2Text(iLastErr)) Else ' Write is pending iRes = WaitForSingleObject(muOverlappedW.hEvent, INFINITE) Select Case iRes Case WAIT_OBJECT_0 ' Object signaled,operation completed If GetOverlappedResult(mhRS, muOverlappedW, _ iBytesWritten, 0) = 0 Then bErr = True Else ' Notifies Async tx completion,stops thread mbWaitOnRead = False RaiseEvent TxCompleted(Me) End If End Select End If Else ' Wait operation completed immediatly bErr = False End If End If CloseHandle(muOverlappedW.hEvent) Return bErr End Function ' This subroutine sets the Comm Port timeouts. Private Sub pSetTimeout() Dim uCtm As COMMTIMEOUTS ' Set ComTimeout If mhRS = -1 Then Exit Sub Else ' Changes setup on the fly With uCtm .ReadIntervalTimeout = 0 .ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0 .ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = miTimeout .WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10 .WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 100 End With SetCommTimeouts(mhRS, uCtm) End If End Sub ' This function returns an integer specifying the number of bytes ' read from the Comm Port. It accepts a parameter specifying the number ' of desired bytes to read. Public Function Read(ByVal Bytes2Read As Integer) As Integer Dim iReadChars, iRc As Integer ' If Bytes2Read not specified uses Buffersize If Bytes2Read = 0 Then Bytes2Read = miBufferSize If mhRS = -1 Then Throw New ApplicationException( _ "Please initialize and open port before using this method") Else ' Get bytes from port Try ' Purge buffers 'PurgeComm(mhRS, PURGE_RXCLEAR Or PURGE_TXCLEAR) ' Creates an event for overlapped operations If meMode = Mode.Overlapped Then pHandleOverlappedRead(Bytes2Read) Else ' Non overlapped mode ReDim mabtRxBuf(Bytes2Read - 1) iRc = ReadFile(mhRS, mabtRxBuf, Bytes2Read, iReadChars, Nothing) If iRc = 0 Then ' Read Error Throw New ApplicationException( _ "ReadFile error " & iRc.ToString) Else ' Handles timeout or returns input chars If iReadChars < Bytes2Read Then Throw New IOTimeoutException("Timeout error") Else mbWaitOnRead = True Return (iReadChars) End If End If End If Catch Ex As Exception ' Others generic erroes Throw New ApplicationException("Read Error: " & Ex.Message, Ex) End Try End If End Function ' This subroutine writes the passed array of bytes to the ' Comm Port to be written. Public Overloads Sub Write(ByVal Buffer As Byte()) Dim iBytesWritten, iRc As Integer If mhRS = -1 Then Throw New ApplicationException( _ "Please initialize and open port before using this method") Else ' Transmit data to COM Port Try If meMode = Mode.Overlapped Then ' Overlapped write If pHandleOverlappedWrite(Buffer) Then Throw New ApplicationException( _ "Error in overllapped write") End If Else ' Clears IO buffers PurgeComm(mhRS, PURGE_RXCLEAR Or PURGE_TXCLEAR) iRc = WriteFile(mhRS, Buffer, Buffer.Length, _ iBytesWritten, Nothing) If iRc = 0 Then Throw New ApplicationException( _ "Write Error - Bytes Written " & _ iBytesWritten.ToString & " of " & _ Buffer.Length.ToString) End If End If Catch Ex As Exception Throw End Try End If End Sub ' This subroutine writes the passed string to the ' Comm Port to be written. Public Overloads Sub Write(ByVal Buffer As String) Dim oEncoder As New System.Text.ASCIIEncoding() Dim aByte() As Byte = oEncoder.GetBytes(Buffer) Me.Write(aByte) End Sub #End Region End Class