AS/400 - Error *nomax al intentar mover un request en implementer version 2009


Error *nomax al intentar mover un request en implementer version 2009

Publicado por Armando Mendez (1 intervención) el 06/03/2012 18:06:56
Al intentar promover un request en implementer 2009, falla enviandome este mesaje:

CPD0094 Diagnostic 30 28/02/12 19:32:25.593064 QCAFLD QSYS 0F95 DBMGRS MKSIM *STMT
To module . . . . . . . . . : IMCHGPFATR
To procedure . . . . . . . : IMCHGPFATR
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 34100
Message . . . . : *NOMAX must be only value for parameter SIZE.
Cause . . . . . : The value specified is not valid because it is not the
only value in the list. Either a single value or a list of other values can
be specified. Recovery . . . : Enter *NOMAX as the only value for the
list, or remove it from the list.
CPF0001 Escape 30 28/02/12 19:32:25.593352 QCADRV QSYS 05AF DBMGRS MKSIM *STMT
To module . . . . . . . . . : IMCHGPFATR
To procedure . . . . . . . : IMCHGPFATR
Statement . . . . . . . . . : 34100
Message . . . . : Error found on CHGPF command.
Cause . . . . . : The system detected errors in the command. Recovery . . .
: See the previously listed messages in the job log. Correct the errors
and then try the command again. *N instead of a command name mean

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