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Impresion MathCAD y Crear PDF's (consola)

Publicado por Ivan (1 intervención) el 02/05/2020 03:41:47
Estimados Sres :

1) Como conseguir una impresion sin caracteres extraños a partir de generar PDF's desde MathCAD

2) Que aplicacion emplear desde LUA para conseguir crear PDF's a modo de impresion con programacion, para generar Reportes

Ivan Valdivia
Lima, PERU
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Impresion MathCAD y Crear PDF's (consola)

Publicado por Bradley (2 intervenciones) el 21/07/2023 11:06:33
run 3 Your post on such an interesting subject has left me speechless. I regularly check out your blogs and stay current by reading the material that you offer; nevertheless, the blog that you have posted today is the one that I appreciate the most.
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Impresion MathCAD y Crear PDF's (consola)

Publicado por larvar (1 intervención) el 26/09/2023 09:01:07
Welcome to the Pizza Tower game! This is a fun and exciting game where you will become a talented chef and build unique pizza buildings.

In this game, be creative and build your own unique pizza buildings. Use your talent and ingenuity to stack floors and create unique and beautiful buildings. Experiment with different ingredients and create amazing pizzas to attract customers.

Be careful with the time and challenges in the game. Make sure you construct your buildings carefully to avoid problems and ensure that your pizza is delivered on time.

Show off your talent and become a top chef in the world of Pizza Tower! Wishing you hours of fun and success in building your pizza building.

Help me get it Pizza Tower to #1 on Google by recommending it to friends. and play it every day. Thank you very much.
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