Hola Andrarde
NumeroAleatorio = Random(1,9999999)
!la funcion te retorna un valor aleatorio entre 1 y 9,999,999
!En el Help encontraras esto:
RANDOM (return random number)
RANDOM Returns random integer.
low A numeric constant, variable, or expression for the lower boundary of the range.
high A numeric constant, variable, or expression for the upper boundary of the range.
The RANDOM procedure returns a random integer between the low and high values, inclusively. The low and high parameters may be any numeric
expression, but only their integer portion is used for the inclusive range.
Return Data Type: LONG
Num BYTE,DIM(49)
LottoNbr BYTE,DIM(6)
LOOP X# = 1 TO 6
LottoNbr[X#] = RANDOM(1,49) !Pick numbers for Lotto
IF NOT Num[LottoNbr[X#]]
Num[LottoNbr[X#]] = 1
X# -= 1
. .
Espero te sirva.
Saludos Desde Venado Tuerto. Argentina