Delphi - ayuda con fecha


ayuda con fecha

Publicado por Manuel (46 intervenciones) el 10/10/2008 18:38:41
Saludo a todos

Tengo el siguiente problema:

Quiero saber como extraer el numero del dia o el nombre del dia de la fecha actual del sistema

Gracias foro.
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RE:ayuda con fecha

Publicado por E.T. (1244 intervenciones) el 10/10/2008 19:14:40
Ve a la ayuda de delphi, en la pestaña "Indice", introducen en el espacio de búsqueda esto "Datetime routines" dale mostrar cuando se encuentre, y se te mostrará una lista de funciones, entre las cuales está lo que buscas, estas son algunas

Day of week constants
Provide symbolic constants for ISO 8601-compliant day of the week values.

DayOf function
Returns the day of the month represented by a TDateTime value.

DayOfTheMonth function
Returns the day of the month represented by a TDateTime value.

DayOfTheWeek function
Returns the day of the week represented by a TDateTime value.

DayOfTheYear function
Returns the number of days between a specified TDateTime value and December 31 of the previous year.

DayOfWeek function
Returns the day of the week for a specified date.

DaysBetween function
Returns the number of whole days between two specified TDateTime values.

DaysInAMonth function
Returns the number of days in a specified month of a specified year.

DaysInAYear function
Returns the number of days in a specified year.

DaysInMonth function
Returns the number of days in the month of a specified TDateTime value.

DaysInYear function
Returns the number of days in the year of a specified TDateTime value.

DaySpan function
Returns the number of days (including fractional days) between two specified TDateTime values.

DecodeDate procedure
Returns Year, Month, and Day values for a TDateTime value.

DecodeDateDay procedure
Returns the year and day of the year for a specified TDateTime.

DecodeDateFully function
Returns Year, Month, and Day, and Day-of-Week values for a TDateTime value.

DecodeDateMonthWeek procedure
Returns the year, month, week of the month, and day of the week for a specified TDateTime.

DecodeDateTime procedure
Returns Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, and Millisecond values for a TDateTime.

DecodeDateWeek procedure
Returns the year, week of the year, and day of the week for a specified TDateTime value.

DecodeDayOfWeekInMonth procedure
For a given TDateTime value, returns the year, month, day of the week, and the count of that day of the week in the month.

DecodeTime procedure
Breaks a TDateTime value into hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.
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RE:ayuda con fecha

Publicado por Eva (484 intervenciones) el 12/10/2008 22:50:17
LHora.Caption := FormatDateTime('h:mm',Now);
LSemana.Caption := FormatDateTime('dddd',Now);
LFecha.Caption := FormatDateTime('d "de "mmmm "de "yyyy',Now);

LHora, LSemana, LFecha son tres labels.
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RE:ayuda con fecha

Publicado por Manuel M. (46 intervenciones) el 13/10/2008 00:32:01
Mil gracias, todas las respuestas me fueron valiosas.
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