Delphi - funcion round en delphi


funcion round en delphi

Publicado por pablo (25 intervenciones) el 01/12/2009 21:00:43
hola a todos!!
les hago una consulta.
mi procedimiento de botton click es:

edit3.text := floattostr (
strtofloat(edit1.text) /

este procedimiento me devuelve el resultado en numero real y yo quiero que me lo devuelva en el entero mas cercano a la fraccion, creo que podria usar la funcion round, pero como lo podria aplicar en mi ejemplo?
desde ya muchas gracias.
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RE:funcion round en delphi

Publicado por Eva (484 intervenciones) el 01/12/2009 21:12:38
Returns the value of X rounded to the nearest whole number.




arithmetic routines

Delphi syntax:

function Round(X: Extended): Int64;


In Delphi, the Round function rounds a real-type value to an integer-type value.

X is a real-type expression. Round returns an Int64 value that is the value of X rounded to the nearest whole number. If X is exactly halfway between two whole numbers, the result is always the even number. This method of rounding is often called "Banker’s Rounding".

If the rounded value of X is not within the Int64 range, a runtime error is generated, which can be handled using the EInvalidOp exception.

Note: The behavior of Round can be affected by the Set8087CW procedure or SetRoundMode function.


Con Round te lo redondea, si solo quieres la parte entera usa la función Int

Returns the integer part of a real number.




arithmetic routines

Delphi syntax:

function Int(X: Extended): Extended;


In Delphi code, Int returns the integer part of X; that is, X rounded toward zero. X is a real-type expression.


y si lolo quieres la parte decimal usa la función frac

Returns the fractional part of a real number.




arithmetic routines

Delphi syntax:

function Frac(X: Extended): Extended;


In Delphi code, the Frac function returns the fractional part of the argument X.

X is a real-type expression. The result is the fractional part of X; that is, Frac(X) = X - Int(X).
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