Delphi - DBGrid1.ShowPopupEditor(DBGrid1.Columns[7]);



Publicado por Ivan (6 intervenciones) el 28/08/2001 06:24:40
Hola a todos:

Estoy trabajando con un DBGrid y encontre un metodo que me gustaria saber si
alguien lo ha usado:

Displays the nested dataset associated with Column in a new window.

procedure ShowPopupEditor(Column: TColumn; X: Integer = Low(Integer); Y:
Integer = Low(Integer)); dynamic;


Call ShowPopupEditor to display a nested dataset or ADT in a new grid in a
new window. Column is the column that is representing the dataset or
reference field of the dataset.

For example, if the seventh column in the grid represents a dataset field,
the following code displays the dataset associated with that field for the
current record.


ShowPopupEditor expects the TColumn object field type passed to be

When the ellipis button in the grid cell of a nested dataset or reference
field is clicked, EditButtonClick is called. If the grid's OnEditButtonClick
event has an event handler, that event is fired and ShowPopupEditor is not
called. If the event handler is not assigned, ShowPopupEditor is called.

The X and Y parameters are screen coordinates to position the popup editor
form. Defaults to positioning the form below the cell in the grid.

Con esta ayuda no lo pude implementar..
¿Como se usa esto?

Gracias a todos
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