Dev - C++ - How to detect 'Idle' status in Mac (Qt\C++ application)

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How to detect 'Idle' status in Mac (Qt\C++ application)

Publicado por Diego (3 intervenciones) el 26/07/2019 12:47:54

I have a C++/Qt application for Win & Mac where I need to know if the user is in an 'idle' status (no user interaction in X minutes).

In Windows I am using GetLastInputInfo and it is working perfectly:


// Get the last input event info.
li.cbSize = sizeof(LASTINPUTINFO);

// Calculate the time elapsed in seconds.
DWORD te = ::GetTickCount();

int elapsed = (te - li.dwTime) / 1000;


For Mac I have read that CGEventSourceCounterForEventType could help me. But I can not find how to use it in a C++ method

I would thank any help,

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