HexWrite8 proc
; AL has two hex digits that will be written to ES:EDI in ASCII form
mov ah, al
and al, 0fh
shr ah, 4
; ah has MSD
; al has LSD
or ax, 3030h
xchg al, ah
cmp ah, 39h
ja @@4
cmp al, 39h
ja @@3
sub al, 30h
add al, 'A' - 10
jmp @@2
sub ah, 30h
add ah, 'A' - 10
jmp @@1
HexWrite8 endp
HexWrite16 proc
; AX has four hex digits in it that will be written to ES:EDI
push ax
xchg al,ah
call HexWrite8
pop ax
call HexWrite8
HexWrite16 endp
HexWrite32 proc
; EAX has eight hex digits in it that will be written to ES:EDI
push eax
shr eax, 16
call HexWrite16
pop eax
call HexWrite16
HexWrite32 endp