Ensamblador - Como usar el registro EAX en el emu8086?


Como usar el registro EAX en el emu8086?

Publicado por Mauricio Coto (2 intervenciones) el 29/10/2005 03:20:44
En el emu8086 no se puede usar ninguno de los registros extended pero me han comentado que hay que agregar un archivo para poderlos usar si alguien sabe cual es ese archivo.
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RE:Como usar el registro EAX en el emu8086?

Publicado por Dáneri Beatriz (1 intervención) el 27/10/2006 00:09:04
hola disculpa la molestia soy una alumna que esta en segundo ciclo de ingenieria de sistemas en la Universidad peruana Unión en el Perú... necesito que porfavor me pase información sobre el emu8086 todo lo que haya sobre ese programa ..... muchas gracias ..Dáneri
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RE:Como usar el registro EAX en el emu8086?

Publicado por Mauricio Coto (2 intervenciones) el 27/10/2006 01:34:44
Emu8086 is a Microprocessor Emulator with integrated 8086
Assembler and Free Tutorial. Emulator runs programs on a
Virtual Machine, it emulates real hardware, such as screen,
memory and input/output devices. Works under any version
of Windows including Windows XP!

Emu8086 is extremely helpful for programming in assembly
language. The source code is compiled by assembler and then
executed on Emulator step-by-step, allowing you to watch
registers, flags and memory while your program runs.
Complete 'all in one' solution for coding in Assembly Language.

Everything for learning assembly language
in one pack! Emu8086 combines an advanced
source editor, assembler, disassembler,
software emulator (Virtual PC) with debugger,
and step by step tutorials.

This program is extremely helpful
for those who just begin to study assembly
language. It compiles the source code
and executes it on emulator step by step.

Visual interface is very easy to work with.
You can watch registers, flags and memory while
your program executes.

Arithmetic & Logical Unit (ALU) shows the
internal work of the central processor
unit (CPU).

Emulator runs programs on a Virtual PC,
this completely blocks your program from accessing
real hardware, such as hard-drives and memory,
since your assembly code runs on a virtual machine,
this makes debugging much easier.

8086 machine code is fully compatible with all next
generations of Intel's micro-processors, including
Pentium II and Pentium 4, I'm sure Pentium 5 will
support 8086 as well. This makes 8086 code very
portable, since it runs both on ancient and on
the modern computer systems. Another advantage
of 8086 instruction set is that it is much smaller,
and thus easier to learn.
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RE:Como usar el registro EAX en el emu8086?

Publicado por Rony sanchez (1 intervención) el 20/03/2007 20:52:49
no se puede utilizar este registro dado que el bus de datos del micro 8086 es de 16 bits por lo tanto tenes que usar en su defecto el AX .
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