Informix - error 1328 en una instruccion START REPORT


error 1328 en una instruccion START REPORT

Publicado por juan carlos toro garcia (3 intervenciones) el 14/12/2017 15:11:00
-1328 A temporary table needed for a report could not be created in the selected database. The user must have permission to create tables in the selected database.

Within the report definition, 4GL generated an SQL statement to save rows into a temporary table, but the temporary table could not be created. Probably no disk space is left in the database, or you already have a table in your current database with the same name as the temporary table that the report definition is attempting to create as a sorting table.

Another possible cause is that the report name is too long. It should be 16 characters or fewer if your database server allows only table names up to 18 characters long, to leave room for the "t_" prefix.

The sorting table is named "t_reportname". For example, a report named "order_rpt" would name its sorting table "t_order_rpt". Users should avoid beginning table names with "t_".

Another possible cause of this error with some database servers is that you have exceeded an operating-system limit on open files.
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