Lotus Approach - cuantas BD puedo asociar al tiempo


cuantas BD puedo asociar al tiempo

Publicado por juan sanabria (11 intervenciones) el 17/12/2007 18:03:20
no he podido asociar mas de 25 manejando Dbase IV y en realidad necesito mas que eso si alguien puede colaborarme les agradeceria
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RE:cuantas BD puedo asociar al tiempo

Publicado por fenix (97 intervenciones) el 19/12/2007 20:36:56
Limitations of Approach
Last updated: 15 Nov 2003 by XpertSS.com

• maximum number of views (ie forms, worksheets, crosstabs, reports,...) per .apr = 100
• maximum of 5 pages per form type view for v96 and later; 1 page per form for v2.1 & v3.0*
• maximum of 20 charts per .apr (see 'Maximum of 20 charts per .apr' article)
• maximum of 20 crosstabs per .apr
• Maximum number of summary panels in a report = 8
• maximum rows displayed in a repeating panel = 30
• maximum number of characters in a calc field formula or find condition formula is 255
• maximum of 30 imbedded IF's in v3.02 (see 'IF limitations in v3.0*' article)
• maximum number of joins you can create between unique databases (that will be read-write) in one .APR file is 30. Any database joins you create after that will be read-only, up to a limit of 50 joins.
• maximum of 450 characters in all the joined fields per .apr (but no limit to the number of actual joins).
• circular joins are not allowed, but you can create an "alias" of a database and join it as appropriate. An "alias" is a "virtual copy" of the selected database. These joins count toward the other limits.
• field types not allowed in a join are: Boolean, Memo, PicturePlus, Variable (these types are not displayed in the join dialog)
• calculated fields cannot be used in a join unless they reference only fields in one database and constants, and if they are not summary type fields.
• maximum number of characters in a variable type field of type text is 254
• maximum number of fields used in a sort = 255
• maximum of 340 characters in the text area of a MESSAGE command in a macro. Note that you can type more than 340 characters there, but if you save the .apr file it will crash on opening.
• maximum of 160 characters in a text string when using the SET command in a macro. This limit applies to all versions of Approach prior to v9.8
• maximum size of a string variable in LotusScript in v9.1 and earlier = 32,000 characters. In V9.5 and later it is limited only by your computer's available memory.

• maximum number of concurrent users of a .apr file = 16
• Maximum number of dBase database tables open at once = 29 (Approach produces and error on opening the 30th)
Limitaciones Approach
Limitaciones del formato de fichero
Approach puede utilizar diferentes tipos de formatos de base de datos, pero por defecto utiliza el formato de tablas dBASEIV. Puesto que la mayoría de los datos se van a almacenar en formato dBASEIV es necesario conocer las limitaciones que tienen:
Máximo número de campos por tabla: 256.
Máximo tamaño de un registro: 4.000 caracteres.
Máximo tamaño de un campo: 256 caracteres.
Máximo número de registro: 4.294.967.296.
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