Matlab - Solución: Guardar imagenes


Solución: Guardar imagenes

Publicado por fismat (391 intervenciones) el 23/07/2009 17:00:40
Hola A todos

Estoy seguro que mas de uno haya tenido problemas al momento de guardar imagenes, yo tuve un problema, no entendia por que Matlab guardaba/generaba una imagen oscura al momento de guardar una imagen, esta es la solución


Problem Description:
For example, when I execute the following code:

D = rand(100,100,100);D(:,1:60,:) = [];
p1 = patch(isosurface(D, 5),'FaceColor','red','EdgeColor','none');
view(3); axis tight; daspect([1,1,.4])
colormap(gray(100));camlight left; camlight; lighting gouraud
print -depsc2 vmicros

I receive the following error message:
Warning: Problems in UIW_SetUpGLPrinting
In graphicsprivate ender at 100
In print at 263
print -dtiff vmicros
Warning: Problems in UIW_SetUpGLPrinting
In graphicsprivate ender at 100
In print at 263

This bug has been fixed in Release 2006a (R2006a).

For previous releases, changing the renderer to 'Zbuffer' may work. To do this enter the following command at the MATLAB command prompt.

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