EDO de segundo orden
Publicado por wil (26 intervenciones) el 10/01/2022 17:57:05
Hola, el siguiente codigo esta en un libro,pero cuando lo copie para correr en matlab sale error.
syms y(t) t
Dy=diff(y, t);
D2y=diff(y, t, 2);
fprintf('To solve: A*ddy+B*dy+C*y=D at ICs: y(0)=a, dy(0)=b \n')
fprintf('Enter the values of [A, B, C, D] and [a, b] \n');
A = input('Enter A = ');
B = input('Enter B = ');
C = input('Enter C = ');
D = input('Enter D = ');
a = input('Enter a = ');
b = input('Enter b = ');
% Given ODE equation:
Equation = D2y==(1/A)*(D - B*Dy-C*y);
ICs = [y(0)==a; Dy(0)==b];
Solution=dsolve(Equation, ICs);
% Display the computed anaytical solution in the command window:
fplot(Solution, [0, 5], 'b-'), grid on
xlabel('\it t')
ylabel('\it Solution, y(t) ')
title('\it Solution of: $$\frac{A*d^2y}{dt^2}+\frac{B*dy}{dt}+C*y=D,y(0)=a, dy(0)=b$$', 'interpreter', 'latex')
gtext(['\it A = ' num2str(A), '\it, B = ' num2str(B), '\it, C = ' num2str(C), '\it, D = ' num2str(D)])
gtext(['\it Initial Conditions: a = ' num2str(a), '\it, b = ' num2str(b)])
grid on; shg
syms y(t) t
Dy=diff(y, t);
D2y=diff(y, t, 2);
fprintf('To solve: A*ddy+B*dy+C*y=D at ICs: y(0)=a, dy(0)=b \n')
fprintf('Enter the values of [A, B, C, D] and [a, b] \n');
A = input('Enter A = ');
B = input('Enter B = ');
C = input('Enter C = ');
D = input('Enter D = ');
a = input('Enter a = ');
b = input('Enter b = ');
% Given ODE equation:
Equation = D2y==(1/A)*(D - B*Dy-C*y);
ICs = [y(0)==a; Dy(0)==b];
Solution=dsolve(Equation, ICs);
% Display the computed anaytical solution in the command window:
fplot(Solution, [0, 5], 'b-'), grid on
xlabel('\it t')
ylabel('\it Solution, y(t) ')
title('\it Solution of: $$\frac{A*d^2y}{dt^2}+\frac{B*dy}{dt}+C*y=D,y(0)=a, dy(0)=b$$', 'interpreter', 'latex')
gtext(['\it A = ' num2str(A), '\it, B = ' num2str(B), '\it, C = ' num2str(C), '\it, D = ' num2str(D)])
gtext(['\it Initial Conditions: a = ' num2str(a), '\it, b = ' num2str(b)])
grid on; shg
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