Oracle - Validar items


Validar items

Publicado por Luigi (51 intervenciones) el 12/12/2002 04:30:08
Una consulta amigos., como puedo restringir el ingreso de un tipo de datos determinado en un item en form developer , es decir tengo un item donde se ingrese el numero de telefono y solo quiero que acepte numeros mas no texto u otro caracter , igual con el texto que solo permita el ingreso de texto y no numeros.

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Format Mask

Publicado por Jorge (87 intervenciones) el 12/12/2002 17:17:14
Puedes utilizar la Propiedad "Format Mask" a nivel de Item.

You can format numbers and dates in single-line text items with format masks. When a format mask is assigned to a text item, any value entered by the end user or fetched or assigned to the item is displayed in the format specified by the mask.
The following example shows how a format mask affects a NUMBER value:

Format Mask Fetched Value Displayed Value
$9,999,999.99 3246000 $3,246,000.00

A format mask can also be used to automatically embed special characters, such as dashes and monetary symbols, in values entered by end users.
Format Masks and Data Types A format mask can be applied to text items with the following data types:


The format mask must be compatible with the data type of the text item. For example, the following format mask can be used only with a DATETIME text item because only this type has both the date and time information that this format mask requires:

Format Mask Displayed Value
DDfmMONTH YYYY HH:MI 12 JUNE 1994 12:32

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