PHP - ayuda con dineromail clienetxec


ayuda con dineromail clienetxec

Publicado por Pablo (1 intervención) el 01/05/2008 19:21:48
hola que tal alguien como hacer un Gateway Plugins para clieentexec dineromail

este es el codigo de cuenta digital pero necesito como saber hacer el de dineromail Les agredeceria el que me puede ayudar

cuenta digital

require_once 'classes/GatewayPlugin.php';

* @package Plugins
class PluginPagofacil extends GatewayPlugin
function getVariables()
/* Specification
itemkey - used to identify variable in your other functions
type - text,textarea,yesno,password
description - description of the variable, displayed in ClientExec

$variables = array (
/*T*/"Plugin Name"/*/T*/ => array (
"type" =>"hidden",
"description" =>/*T*/"How CE sees this plugin (not to be confused with the Signup Name)"/*/T*/,
"value" =>/*T*/"Pagofacil"/*/T*/
/*T*/"In Signup"/*/T*/ => array (
"type" =>"yesno",
"description" =>/*T*/"Select YES if you want to include this payment processor in the signup script."/*/T*/,
"value" =>"0"

/*T*/"Signup Name"/*/T*/ => array (
"type" =>"text",
"description" =>/*T*/"Select the name to display in the signup process for this payment type. Example: eCheck or Credit Card."/*/T*/,
"value" =>"Pago Fácil / RapiPago / Bapro Pagos"
/*T*/"Generate Invoices After Callback Notification"/*/T*/ => array (
"type" =>"hidden",
"description" =>/*T*/"Select YES if you prefer CE to only generate invoices upon notification of payment via the callback supported by this processor. Setting to NO will generate invoices normally but require you to manually mark them paid as you receive notification from processor."/*/T*/,
"value" =>"0"
/*T*/"Invoice After Signup"/*/T*/ => array (
"type" =>"yesno",
"description" =>/*T*/"Select YES if you want an invoice sent to the customer after signup is complete."/*/T*/,
"value" =>"1"
/*T*/"UserID"/*/T*/ => array (
"type" =>"text",
"description" =>/*T*/"ID de CuentaDigital."/*/T*/,
"value" =>""
/*T*/"EMail"/*/T*/ => array (
"type" =>"text",
"description" =>/*T*/"E-Mail desde el cual se envían las facturas."/*/T*/,
"value" =>""
/*T*/"Sitio"/*/T*/ => array (
"type" =>"text",
"description" =>/*T*/"Sitio de Compra."/*/T*/,
"value" =>""
/*T*/"Vencimiento"/*/T*/ => array (
"type" =>"text",
"description" =>/*T*/"Días de vencimiento (recomendado 7)."/*/T*/,
"value" =>"7"


return $variables;

function singlepayment($params) {

//Function needs to build the url to the payment processor, then redirect
//Plugin variables can be accesses via $params["plugin_[pluginname]_[variable]"] (ex. $params["plugin_paypal_UserID"])

$strForm .= '<html><body>';
$strForm .= '<form name="frmpagofacil" action="LINK DE CONECCION/string.php" method="get">';
$strForm .= '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$params["plugin_pagofacil_UserID"].'">';
$strForm .= '<input type="hidden" name="codigo" value="'.$params["userFirstName"].''.$params["userLastName"].'">';
$strForm .= '<input type="hidden" name="precio" value="'.sprintf("%.2f", $params["invoiceTotal"] * 3).'">';
$strForm .= '<input type="hidden" name="venc" value="'.$params["plugin_pagofacil_Vencimiento"].'">';
$strForm .= '<input type="hidden" name="site" value="'.$params["plugin_pagofacil_Sitio"].'">';
$strForm .= '<input type="hidden" name="hacia" value="'.$params["userEmail"].'">';
$strForm .= '<input type="hidden" name="desde" value="'.$params["plugin_pagofacil_EMail"].'">';
$strForm .= '<input type="hidden" name="concepto" value="'.$params["companyName"].' - '.$params["invoiceNumber"].'">';

//Need to check to see if user is coming from signup
if ($params['isSignup']==1) {
}else {

$strForm .= "<script language="JavaScript"> ";
$strForm .= "document.forms['frmpagofacil'].submit(); ";
$strForm .= "</script>";
$strForm .= "</form>";
$strForm .= "</body></html>";

<form action='LINK DE LA PAGINA DE DINEROMAIL ' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='NombreItem' value='compra'>
<input type='hidden' name='TipoMoneda' value='1'>
<input type='hidden' name='PrecioItem' value='10.00'>
<input type='hidden' name='E_Comercio' value='285172'>
<input type='hidden' name='NroItem' value='001'>
<input type='hidden' name='image_url' value='http://'>
<input type='hidden' name='DireccionExito' value='http://'>
<input type='hidden' name='DireccionFracaso' value='http://'>
<input type='hidden' name='DireccionEnvio' value='1'>
<input type='hidden' name='Mensaje' value='1'>
<input type='hidden' name='MediosPago' value='4,5,6,14,15,16,17,18,2,7,13'>
<input type='image' src='https://LINKDE LA IMAGEN/imagenes/post-login/boton-comprar-01.gif' border='0' name='submit' alt='Pagar con DineroMail'>
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RE:ayuda con dineromail clienetxec

Publicado por Omar Yépez (224 intervenciones) el 02/05/2008 16:42:42
Hola Pablo pagogomez2004 [@] hotmail [.] com

Revisa este foro no se si es lo que necesitas pero aparentemente funciona.
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