Perl - Algoritmo de un código PERL


Algoritmo de un código PERL

Publicado por JoséG (1 intervención) el 13/11/2003 00:57:47
Tengo intéres en construir en PASCAL un programa que me permita obtener, una vez dado un número telefónico, las combinaciones de letras(palabras con o sin sentido) del panel telefónico (2="ABC", 3="DEF", etc.). Investigando conseguí este articulo que lista un código en PERL (no conozco el lenguaje) que hace eso, aunque va más allá de lo que deseo(consulta las palabras en un diccionario). Me gustaría si alguién me puede ayudar en el sentido de generarme un algoritmo(seudolenguaje), el cual sea de mejor digestión para mí y, que me permita construir dicho programa en PASCAL, apartir del siguiente código.


Stupid Perl Trick: Mnemonic Phone Numbers
About a year ago, I moved to a new state. Of course, with moving there are dozens of things to do. One of these things, which I really dislike, is remembering new telephone numbers. As I was getting settled, I had (at a minimum) these phone numbers that I needed: work phone, home phone, friends' numbers, cell numbers, coworker numbers, etc. That was a lot of numbers I needed to be able to recall.

I figured I had a few options. I could purchase a PDA, but from experience I tend to not use them. I could memorize all of them, but that would take too much brain power at the time (remember, I just moved!). I could use the old "paper in the wallet" technique, but I would likely lose the paper (again, from experience). Or, I could make words out of as many phone numbers as I could to easily remember them.

I liked the last option best. Now, this created two new options on how to do this. I could either write a matrix of the numbers and try to create words by hand, or have Perl do it for me. As you may expect, I chose the latter of the t
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