Power Builder - Problemas al Compilar OLE


Problemas al Compilar OLE

Publicado por Gerardo (12 intervenciones) el 04/07/2011 18:37:40
Qué puedo hacer?

He agregado un objeto OLE a mi ventana, en la cual muestro la fotografía del personal desde una URL. Todo funciona bien, pero al compilar la aplicación me salen los siguientes Warnings:

The identifier 'text' conflicts with an existing property with this name in the parent class. The new definition of 'text' will take precedence and the prior value will be ignored until this version of 'text' goes out of scope.
The identifier 'cancel' conflicts with an existing property with this name. The new definition of 'cancel' will take precedence and the prior value will be ignored until this version of 'cancel' goes out of scope.
The identifier 'resizable' conflicts with an existing property with this name in the parent class. The new definition of 'resizable' will take precedence and the prior value will be ignored until this version of 'resizable' goes out of scope.
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