Power Builder - Ayuda con los Barcode!!


Ayuda con los Barcode!!

Publicado por sergio (44 intervenciones) el 28/12/2006 13:30:15
Gracias por su atencion amigos !!! donde puedo conseguir los barcode 128 128a 128b 128c y otros tipos de barcode??? Gracias!!!!
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RE:Ayuda con los Barcode!!

Publicado por Milson Cardona (613 intervenciones) el 28/12/2006 14:48:06
Un saludo especial desde Colombia

en el PORTALFOX.COM tienen ejemplos y fuentes gratis para ese tipo de barcode que necesitas, pero obviamente están en FOX PRO...

yo los pasé a power builder y me funcionan, si deseas te los mando, aunque creo que comprenderas mejor el proceso si lo haces tu mismo, porque el algoritmo para encontrar el caracter de control es un poco complejo, especialmente para el CODE128C que es de doble densidad.

espero que sea de ayuda
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RE:Ayuda con los Barcode!!

Publicado por Leopoldo Taylhardat (710 intervenciones) el 28/12/2006 16:51:59
Saludos desde Maracay, Venezuela...

Feliz Navidad y un venturoso año 2007.

Aquí está... no lo he probado pero lo saqué de Powerbuilder Journal...

// PowerBuilder Source Code for IDAutomation.com Code 128 Barcode Fonts
// Copyright © 2002, IDAutomation.com, Inc. All rights reserved.
// NOTE: The following code is only an example that was provided by a client.
// IDAutomation.com, Inc. does not guarantee, support or troubleshoot
// PowerBuilder source code.
// To use this function the developer needs to create an external function,
// Set function arguments and paste all the codes below.
// This function will convert input to a data string formatted for our
// Code 128 Barcode Fonts. This is a code 128 "auto" function.
// This barcode font is available at:
// http://www.bizfonts.com/code128fonts/
// Download a demo version from:
// http://www.advancemeants.com/code128fonts/download.htm
// You may incorporate our Source Code in your application
// only if you own a valid Multi-user or Corporate Distribution
// license from IDAutomation.com, Inc. for the associated font and
// the copyright notices are not removed from the source code.
// Arguments:
// Input(Pass By value)
// Datatype String
// Name as_input
// Output(Pass By reference)
// Datatype String
// Name as_ouptut
// Copyright, IDAutomation.com, Inc. 2002. All rights reserved.

string ls_c128_starta
string ls_c128_startb
string ls_c128_startc
string ls_c128_start
string ls_c128_stop
Long ll_len,i
Integer li_curr_char
String ls_curr_char
string ls_curr_encoding
Long ll_curr_value
Long ll_weighted_tot
string ls_datatoencode
Integer li_check_digit
String ls_c128_checkdigit
string ls_datatoprint

as_input = trim(as_input)

If Isnull(as_input) OR as_input = '' Then
Return -1
End IF

ls_c128_starta = char(203)
ls_c128_startb = char(204)
ls_c128_startc = char(205)
ls_c128_stop = char(206)

// Here we select character set A, B or C for the START character
ll_len = len(as_input)
li_curr_char = Asc(Mid(as_input, 1, 1))
If li_curr_char < 32 Then ls_c128_start = ls_c128_starta
If li_curr_char > 31 AND li_curr_char < 127 Then ls_c128_start = ls_c128_startb
If ((ll_len > 4) AND Isnumber(mid(as_input,1,4))) Then ls_c128_start = ls_c128_startc

// 202 is the FNC1, with this Start C is mandatory
If li_curr_char = 202 Then ls_c128_start = ls_c128_startc
If ls_c128_start = char(203) Then ls_curr_encoding = "A"
If ls_c128_start = char(204) Then ls_curr_encoding = "B"
If ls_c128_start = char(205) Then ls_curr_encoding = "C"

For i = 1 to ll_len
// check for FNC1 in any set
If ((Mid(as_input,i,1)) = Char(202)) Then
ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(202)
// check for switching to character set C
ElseIf ((i < ll_len - 2) AND (Isnumber(mid(as_input,i,1))) and (isnumber(mid(as_input,i + 1,1))) AND (Isnumber(Mid(as_input,i,4)))) OR ((i < ll_len) AND (Isnumber(mid(as_input,i,1))) AND (Isnumber(Mid(as_input,i + 1,1))) And (ls_curr_encoding = "C")) Then
// switch to set C if not already in it
If ls_curr_encoding <> "C" Then ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(199)
ls_curr_encoding = "C"
ls_curr_char = (Mid(as_input,i,2))
ll_curr_value = Long(ls_curr_char)
// set the CurrentValue to the number of String CurrentChar
If (ll_curr_value < 95 AND ll_curr_value > 0 ) Then ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(ll_curr_value + 32)
If ll_curr_value > 94 Then ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(ll_curr_value + 100)
If ll_curr_value = 0 Then ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(194)
i = i + 1
// check for switching to character set A
ElseIf (i <= ll_len) AND ((ASC(Mid(as_input,i,1)) < 31) OR ((ls_curr_encoding = "A") AND (ASC(Mid(as_input,i,1)) > 32 AND (asc(mid(as_input,i,1))) < 96))) Then
// switch to set A if not already in it
If ls_curr_encoding <> "A" Then ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(201)
ls_curr_encoding = "A"
// Get the ASCII value of the next character
li_curr_char = (asc(mid(as_input,i,1)))
If li_curr_char = 32 Then
ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(194)
ElseIf li_curr_char < 32 then
ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(li_curr_char + 96)
ElseIf li_curr_char > 32 Then
ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(li_curr_char)
End IF
// check for switching to character set B
ElseIf (i <= ll_len) AND ((ASC(mid(as_input,i,1))) > 31 AND (ASC(mid(as_input,i,1))) < 127) Then
// switch to set B if not already in it
If ls_curr_encoding <> "B" Then ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(200)
ls_curr_encoding = "B"
// Get the ASCII value of the next character
li_curr_char = (asc(mid(as_input,i,1)))
If li_curr_char = 32 Then
ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(194)
ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(li_curr_char)
End IF
End IF

// ***** Calculate Modulo 103 Check Digit *******

// Set WeightedTotal to the value of the start character
ll_weighted_tot = (ASC(ls_c128_start) - 100)
ll_len = Len(ls_datatoencode)

For i = 1 to ll_len
// Get the ASCII value of each character
li_curr_char = (asc(mid(ls_datatoencode,i,1)))
// Get the Code 128 value of CurrentChar according to chart
If li_curr_char < 135 Then ll_curr_value = li_curr_char - 32
If li_curr_char > 134 Then ll_curr_value = li_curr_char - 100
If li_curr_char = 194 Then ll_curr_value = 0
// multiply by the weighting character
ll_curr_value = ll_curr_value * i
// add the values together
ll_weighted_tot = ll_weighted_tot + ll_curr_value
// divide the WeightedTotal by 103 and get the remainder, this is the CheckDigitValue
li_check_digit = Mod(ll_weighted_tot,103)
// Now that we have the CheckDigitValue, find the corresponding ASCII character from the table
If li_check_digit < 95 AND li_check_digit > 0 Then ls_c128_checkdigit = char(li_check_digit + 32)
If li_check_digit > 94 Then ls_c128_checkdigit = char(li_check_digit + 100)
If li_check_digit = 0 Then ls_c128_checkdigit = char(194)
// Check for spaces or "00" and print ASCII 194 instead
// place changes in data to print
ll_len = Len(ls_datatoencode)
For i = 1 to ll_len
ls_curr_char = mid(ls_datatoencode,i,1)
If ls_curr_char = " " Then ls_curr_char = char(194)
ls_datatoprint = ls_datatoprint + ls_curr_char

// Get Printable String
as_output = ls_c128_start + ls_datatoprint + ls_c128_checkdigit + ls_c128_stop + " "

Return 0

// PowerBuilder Source Code for IDAutomation.com Code 128 Barcode Fonts
// Copyright © IDAutomation.com, Inc. 2002, All rights reserved.
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