Power Builder - Codigos de barras


Codigos de barras

Publicado por Codigo de barras (2 intervenciones) el 25/01/2007 18:05:49
Quiero saber un script que torne numeros em imajens de codigo de barra
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RE:Codigos de barras

Publicado por Jorge (900 intervenciones) el 26/01/2007 18:23:16

Haz una busqueda en el foro , se hablo mucho de este tema
luego consulta especificamnete lo que deseas si no te ha servido
los post..

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RE:Codigos de barras

Publicado por Miguel Coronel B. (2 intervenciones) el 27/01/2007 04:40:01
necesito generar codigo de barras con power builder urgente porfavor
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RE:Codigos de barras

Publicado por Leopoldo Taylhardat (710 intervenciones) el 29/01/2007 23:49:24
Saludos... busca en este foro eso, ya se ha puesto bastante sobre el tema, inclusive coloqué el código de generarlo...
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Programación de Codigos de barras

Publicado por Leopoldo Taylhardat (710 intervenciones) el 30/01/2007 00:04:04
Esta codificación la saqué de la revista PowerBuilder Journal...

// PowerBuilder Source Code for IDAutomation.com Code 128 Barcode Fonts
// Copyright © 2002, IDAutomation.com, Inc. All rights reserved.
// NOTE: The following code is only an example that was provided by a client.
// IDAutomation.com, Inc. does not guarantee, support or troubleshoot
// PowerBuilder source code.
// To use this function the developer needs to create an external function,
// Set function arguments and paste all the codes below.
// This function will convert input to a data string formatted for our
// Code 128 Barcode Fonts. This is a code 128 "auto" function.
// This barcode font is available at:
// http://www.bizfonts.com/code128fonts/
// Download a demo version from:
// http://www.advancemeants.com/code128fonts/download.htm
// You may incorporate our Source Code in your application
// only if you own a valid Multi-user or Corporate Distribution
// license from IDAutomation.com, Inc. for the associated font and
// the copyright notices are not removed from the source code.
// Arguments:
// Input(Pass By value)
// Datatype String
// Name as_input
// Output(Pass By reference)
// Datatype String
// Name as_ouptut
// Copyright, IDAutomation.com, Inc. 2002. All rights reserved.

string ls_c128_starta
string ls_c128_startb
string ls_c128_startc
string ls_c128_start
string ls_c128_stop
Long ll_len,i
Integer li_curr_char
String ls_curr_char
string ls_curr_encoding
Long ll_curr_value
Long ll_weighted_tot
string ls_datatoencode
Integer li_check_digit
String ls_c128_checkdigit
string ls_datatoprint

as_input = trim(as_input)

If Isnull(as_input) OR as_input = '' Then
Return -1
End IF

ls_c128_starta = char(203)
ls_c128_startb = char(204)
ls_c128_startc = char(205)
ls_c128_stop = char(206)

// Here we select character set A, B or C for the START character
ll_len = len(as_input)
li_curr_char = Asc(Mid(as_input, 1, 1))
If li_curr_char < 32 Then ls_c128_start = ls_c128_starta
If li_curr_char > 31 AND li_curr_char < 127 Then ls_c128_start = ls_c128_startb
If ((ll_len > 4) AND Isnumber(mid(as_input,1,4))) Then ls_c128_start = ls_c128_startc

// 202 is the FNC1, with this Start C is mandatory
If li_curr_char = 202 Then ls_c128_start = ls_c128_startc
If ls_c128_start = char(203) Then ls_curr_encoding = "A"
If ls_c128_start = char(204) Then ls_curr_encoding = "B"
If ls_c128_start = char(205) Then ls_curr_encoding = "C"

For i = 1 to ll_len
// check for FNC1 in any set
If ((Mid(as_input,i,1)) = Char(202)) Then
ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(202)
// check for switching to character set C
ElseIf ((i < ll_len - 2) AND (Isnumber(mid(as_input,i,1))) and (isnumber(mid(as_input,i + 1,1))) AND (Isnumber(Mid(as_input,i,4)))) OR ((i < ll_len) AND (Isnumber(mid(as_input,i,1))) AND (Isnumber(Mid(as_input,i + 1,1))) And (ls_curr_encoding = "C")) Then
// switch to set C if not already in it
If ls_curr_encoding <> "C" Then ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(199)
ls_curr_encoding = "C"
ls_curr_char = (Mid(as_input,i,2))
ll_curr_value = Long(ls_curr_char)
// set the CurrentValue to the number of String CurrentChar
If (ll_curr_value < 95 AND ll_curr_value > 0 ) Then ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(ll_curr_value + 32)
If ll_curr_value > 94 Then ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(ll_curr_value + 100)
If ll_curr_value = 0 Then ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(194)
i = i + 1
// check for switching to character set A
ElseIf (i <= ll_len) AND ((ASC(Mid(as_input,i,1)) < 31) OR ((ls_curr_encoding = "A") AND (ASC(Mid(as_input,i,1)) > 32 AND (asc(mid(as_input,i,1))) < 96))) Then
// switch to set A if not already in it
If ls_curr_encoding <> "A" Then ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(201)
ls_curr_encoding = "A"
// Get the ASCII value of the next character
li_curr_char = (asc(mid(as_input,i,1)))
If li_curr_char = 32 Then
ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(194)
ElseIf li_curr_char < 32 then
ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(li_curr_char + 96)
ElseIf li_curr_char > 32 Then
ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(li_curr_char)
End IF
// check for switching to character set B
ElseIf (i <= ll_len) AND ((ASC(mid(as_input,i,1))) > 31 AND (ASC(mid(as_input,i,1))) < 127) Then
// switch to set B if not already in it
If ls_curr_encoding <> "B" Then ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(200)
ls_curr_encoding = "B"
// Get the ASCII value of the next character
li_curr_char = (asc(mid(as_input,i,1)))
If li_curr_char = 32 Then
ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(194)
ls_datatoencode = ls_datatoencode + char(li_curr_char)
End IF
End IF

// ***** Calculate Modulo 103 Check Digit *******

// Set WeightedTotal to the value of the start character
ll_weighted_tot = (ASC(ls_c128_start) - 100)
ll_len = Len(ls_datatoencode)

For i = 1 to ll_len
// Get the ASCII value of each character
li_curr_char = (asc(mid(ls_datatoencode,i,1)))
// Get the Code 128 value of CurrentChar according to chart
If li_curr_char < 135 Then ll_curr_value = li_curr_char - 32
If li_curr_char > 134 Then ll_curr_value = li_curr_char - 100
If li_curr_char = 194 Then ll_curr_value = 0
// multiply by the weighting character
ll_curr_value = ll_curr_value * i
// add the values together
ll_weighted_tot = ll_weighted_tot + ll_curr_value
// divide the WeightedTotal by 103 and get the remainder, this is the CheckDigitValue
li_check_digit = Mod(ll_weighted_tot,103)
// Now that we have the CheckDigitValue, find the corresponding ASCII character from the table
If li_check_digit < 95 AND li_check_digit > 0 Then ls_c128_checkdigit = char(li_check_digit + 32)
If li_check_digit > 94 Then ls_c128_checkdigit = char(li_check_digit + 100)
If li_check_digit = 0 Then ls_c128_checkdigit = char(194)
// Check for spaces or "00" and print ASCII 194 instead
// place changes in data to print
ll_len = Len(ls_datatoencode)
For i = 1 to ll_len
ls_curr_char = mid(ls_datatoencode,i,1)
If ls_curr_char = " " Then ls_curr_char = char(194)
ls_datatoprint = ls_datatoprint + ls_curr_char

// Get Printable String
as_output = ls_c128_start + ls_datatoprint + ls_c128_checkdigit + ls_c128_stop + " "

Return 0

// PowerBuilder Source Code for IDAutomation.com Code 128 Barcode Fonts
// Copyright © IDAutomation.com, Inc. 2002, All rights reserved.
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