Power Builder - sonido en pb7


sonido en pb7

Publicado por jfigue (20 intervenciones) el 26/10/2001 20:23:52
alguien sabe como usar PlaySoundA de la API..como lo manejo ..
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RE:sonido en pb7

Publicado por fponte (47 intervenciones) el 27/10/2001 16:13:08
SndPlaySoundA( ) o WaveOutGetNumDevs()
esta funcion run un fichero WAV

Global External Function:
FUNCTION boolean SndPlaySoundA(string wavfile, uint flag) LIBRARY "WINMM.DLL"

uint lui_NumDevs, l_mode
string ls_file
l_mode = 0
ls_file = string(c:\windows\media\chimes.wav)
lui_NumDevs = WaveOutGetNumDevs()
IF lui_NumDevs > 0 THEN
SndPlaySoundA(ls_file, l_mode)

o tambien:

Private Constant Long SND_APPLICATION = 128 // look for application specific association
Private Constant Long SND_ALIAS = 65536 // name is a WIN.INI [sounds] entry
Private Constant Long SND_ALIAS_ID = 1114112 // name is a WIN.INI [sounds] entry identifier
Private Constant Long SND_ASYNC = 1 // play asynchronously
Private Constant Long SND_FILENAME = 131072 // name is a file name
Private Constant Long SND_LOOP = 8 // loop the sound until next sndPlaySound
Private Constant Long SND_MEMORY = 4 // lpszSoundName points to a memory file
Private Constant Long SND_NODEFAULT = 2 // silence not default, if sound not found
Private Constant Long SND_NOSTOP = 16 // don't stop any currently playing sound
Private Constant Long SND_NOWAIT = 8192 // don't wait if the driver is busy
Private Constant Long SND_PURGE = 64 // purge non-static events for task
Private Constant Long SND_RESOURCE = 262148 // name is a resource name or atom
Private Constant Long SND_SYNC = 0 // play synchronously (default
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