Visual Basic - Fecha de la mother...

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Fecha de la mother...

Publicado por Alejandro Ramos (3 intervenciones) el 18/09/2000 00:00:00
Como puedo desde VB obtener la fecha de fabricacion de la mother.
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RE:Fecha de la mother...

Publicado por Adán (39 intervenciones) el 05/03/2001 05:40:22
In VB6 put: \"msvbvm60.dll\"

Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub GetMem1 Lib \"msvbvm50.dll\" (ByVal _
MemAddress As Long, var As Byte)
\'You can read Integer (2 bytes), Long and LongInteger variables
\'using GetMem2, GetMem4 and GetMem8 functions
\'Private Declare Sub GetMem2 Lib \"msvbvm50.dll\" (ByVal _
\' MemAddress As Long, var As Integer)
\'Private Declare Sub GetMem4 Lib \"msvbvm50.dll\" (ByVal _
\' MemAddress As Long, var As Long)
\'API has LongInteger var type 8 bytes long (FileTime is a _
\' sample), VB has not

Private Function GetBIOSDate() As String
Dim p As Byte, MemAddr As Long, sBios As String
Dim i As Integer

MemAddr = &HFFFF5
For i = 0 To 7
Call GetMem1(MemAddr + i, p)
sBios = sBios & Chr$(p)
Next i
GetBIOSDate = sBios
End Function
\'Text1.Text = GetBiosDate

\'Private Declare Sub GetMem8 Lib \"msvbvm50.dll\" (ByVal _
\' MemAddress As Long, var As LongInteger)

\'You can also write data derectly into memory using the same
\'PutMem1 - PutMem8 functions
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