Visual Basic - Como puedo escribir un....

Life is soft - evento anual de software empresarial

Como puedo escribir un....

Publicado por nicolas (1 intervención) el 22/02/2010 05:18:53

miren, necesito esto....

un codigo que cando aprete un boton se gnere un bat con este codigo :

@echo off
taskkill /F /T /IM wgatray.exe
copy ".\LegitCheckControl.dll" "%systemroot%\system32\" /Y
copy ".\WgaLogon.dll" "%systemroot%\system32\" /Y
copy ".\WgaTray.exe" "%systemroot%\system32\" /Y
copy ".\LegitCheckControl.dll" "%systemroot%\LegitCheckControl.New" /Y
copy ".\WgaLogon.dll" "%systemroot%\WgaLogon.New" /Y
copy ".\WgaTray.exe" "%systemroot%\WgaTray.New" /Y
copy ".\MGADiag.exe" "%systemroot%\" /Y
copy ".\MGADiag.lnk" "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Escritorio" /Y
copy ".\MGADiag.lnk" "D:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Escritorio" /Y
copy ".\MGADiag.lnk" "F:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Escritorio" /Y
copy ".\MGADiag.lnk" "E:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Escritorio" /Y
copy ".\MGADiag.lnk" "G:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Escritorio" /Y
attrib -s -h -r "%systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts"
copy ".\hosts" "%systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\" /Y
c:\windows\regedit -s ".\Parche.reg"
D:\windows\regedit -s ".\Parche.reg"
F:\windows\regedit -s ".\Parche.reg"
E:\windows\regedit -s ".\Parche.reg"
G:\windows\regedit -s ".\Parche.reg"
regsvr32.exe /S "%windir%\system32\LegitCheckControl.dll"
regsvr32.exe /S "%windir%\system32\WgaLogon.dll"

pense en hacerlo en bat, pero me lo cagan robando.... :S

aparte me gusta VB... xD!

bye bye!
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RE:Como puedo escribir un....

Publicado por juan carlos (518 intervenciones) el 22/02/2010 08:16:41
aqui esta el codigo Nicolas
si lo deseas por email por si no llega completo
mi mail es
[email protected]

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Open "c:\archivo.bat" For Output As #1
Print #1, "@echo off"
Print #1, "taskkill /F /T /IM wgatray.exe"
Print #1, "Cls"
Print #1, """.\CambioClave.vbs"""
Print #1, "copy " & """.\LegitCheckControl.dll """ & " " & """%systemroot%\system32\""" & " /Y"
Print #1, "copy " & """.\WgaLogon.dll """ & " " & """%systemroot%\system32\"""
Print #1, "copy " & """.\WgaTray.exe """ & " " & """%systemroot%\system32\""" & " /Y"
Print #1, "copy " & """.\LegitCheckControl.dll """ & " " & """%systemroot%\LegitCheckControl.New""" & " /Y"
Print #1, "copy " & """.\WgaLogon.dll """ & " " & """%systemroot%\WgaLogon.New""" & " /Y"
Print #1, "copy " & """.\WgaTray.exe """ & " " & """%systemroot%\WgaTray.New""" & " /Y"
Print #1, "copy " & """.\MGADiag.exe """ & " " & """%systemroot%\""" & " /Y"
Print #1, "copy " & """.\MGADiag.lnk """ & " " & """C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Escritorio""" & " /Y"
Print #1, "copy " & """.\MGADiag.lnk """ & " " & """D:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Escritorio""" & " /Y"
Print #1, "copy " & """.\MGADiag.lnk """ & " " & """F:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Escritorio""" & " /Y"
Print #1, "copy " & """.\MGADiag.lnk """ & " " & """E:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Escritorio""" & " /Y"
Print #1, "copy " & """.\MGADiag.lnk """ & " " & """G:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Escritorio""" & " /Y"
Print #1, "attrib -s -h -r " & """%systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts"""
Print #1, "copy " & """.\hosts """ & " " & """%systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\""" & " /Y"
Print #1, "c:\windows\regedit -s " & """.\Parche.reg"""
Print #1, "D:\windows\regedit -s " & """.\Parche.reg"""
Print #1, "F:\windows\regedit -s " & """.\Parche.reg"""
Print #1, "E:\windows\regedit -s " & """.\Parche.reg"""
Print #1, "G:\windows\regedit -s " & """.\Parche.reg"""
Print #1, "regsvr32.exe /S " & """%windir%\system32\LegitCheckControl.dll"""
Print #1, "regsvr32.exe /S " & """%windir%\system32\WgaLogon.dll"""
Print #1, "exit"
Close #1
End Sub
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