XML - Sitio web dinamico


Sitio web dinamico

Publicado por Pepe suarez (1 intervención) el 06/10/2010 05:55:32
Hola amigos, toy medio aproblemado porq necesito cambiar un parametro en un sitio web dinamico que me descarga, pero no consigo poder redireccionar el menu a donde quiero redirigirlo a google.Les adjunto parte del xml, haber si me puden ayudar.

-- Here you can change menu buttons names, and with the help of the parameter targetPage to state the page,
-- on which the given button will refer to. If you need to activate the event on pressing the menu button,
-- for instance to open site in the new window, you can use click parameter, for instance
-- <item click="getURL,http://www.website.com,_blank"><![CDATA[GALLERIES]]></item>
<item targetPage="1"><![CDATA[<font color="#25808D">Home<a href="https://google.com"</font>]]</a></item>
<item targetPage="getURL,http://www.google.com"><![CDATA[dos perros]]></item>
<item targetPage="getURL,http://www.google.com"><![CDATA[tres tristes]]></item>
<a href="event:switchPage,4"><![CDATA[poco yo]]></a>
<item targetPage="4"><![CDATA[]]></item>
<item targetPage="5"><![CDATA[Contacto]]></item>

Please read this information to learn how to tune your website just using this XML file.
-- With the help of this file you can change any text or image in the template, add new pages,
-- creating them on the basis of any of the existing layouts — splash page, gallery, about page,
-- contacts or readmore page.
-- It is also easy to change any sound and music in the template as everything is stored in the
-- form of mp3 files, to do this simply replace an mp3 file with your own.
-- New template engine supports events — page changeover and external URL activation. This means
-- that now it is possible to manage site contents more softly, activating the events or at pressing
-- pictures, or links in the text, or menu or any other buttons. To activate the event on pressing
-- the button or picture use click paramerer, in which the event name is being written - switchPage
-- or getURL and parameters after comma. For instance click="switchPage,5" means migration to the page
-- with index 5, and click="getURL,http://www.website.com,_blank" — opening of the new page in a new
-- window. To activate the events directly from the text, i.e. to make the links active, use HTML.
-- To activate a text area as a link, write for instance <a href="event:switchPage,8">PRIVACY POLICY</a>
-- migration to the page with index 8. If you need to open a definite readmore page, than you should
-- state page index number with readmore type ( type="readmore" ) as the first parameter, and as the
-- second parameter, after comma an index readmore block number should be stated, for instance switchPage,7,1,
-- under the condition that the page with index 7 possesses readmore type, and this page with readmore
-- block information under index 1 will open.
-- Events add great opportunities in template management. Create new pages, galleries and refer them from
-- anywhere using the events. If the given material on events appeared to be a bit complicated for you,
-- view the examples in the given file, this will help you to master the technique of events activating quickly.
-- More detailed description of opportunities and functionality of the template can be found near each section
-- of this file.
-- It is recommended to use an XML editor to make changes to this file because it’s less possible to make
-- an error in the markup which can cause not working website.

-- General Settings
-- Here you can change general settings of the template - company name, slogan and text in the bottom, where
-- copyright is placed by default.
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