Clarion - Borrar Archivos


Borrar Archivos

Publicado por Andres Ramos (22 intervenciones) el 23/11/2014 19:21:15
Hola Amigos del foro: Como puedo borrar unos archivos desde un aplicativo en clarión

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Borrar Archivos

Publicado por ricrado pardo (214 intervenciones) el 24/11/2014 01:21:32
de la ayuda de clarion


REMOVE Deletes a FILE.

file The label of the FILE to be removed, or a string constant or variable containing the filename of the file to erase.

The REMOVE statement erases a file specification from the operating system directory in the same manner as the DOS "Delete" command. The file must be closed, or the "File Already Open" error is posted. If any error is posted, the file is not removed.
Since some file drivers use multiple physical disk files for one logical FILE structure, the default filename and extension assumptions are dependent on the file driver. If any error is posted, the file is not deleted.

Errors Posted: 02 File Not Found
03 The system cannot find the path specified.
05 Access Denied
52 File Already Open


REMOVE(OldFile) !Delete the old file

REMOVE('Changes.dat') !Delete the changes file
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