Dev - C++ - Get Outlook contacts from C++ application

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Get Outlook contacts from C++ application

Publicado por Diego (3 intervenciones) el 05/08/2019 13:22:09

I need a C++ application to get Outlook contacts (from my local Outlook application)

I found this old example:

But when I try to compile the code in my VS 2017 (once Outlook paths changed to mine) I get some errors in 'msoutl.tlh' file, autogenerated while compilation:

\msoutl.tlh(6015): error C3121: cannot change GUID for class 'Folder'
error C2556: 'AddressEntryPtr _AppointmentItem::GetOrganizer(void)': overloaded function differs only by return type from '_bstr_t _AppointmentItem::GetOrganizer(void)'
error C2371: '_AppointmentItem::GetOrganizer': redefinition; different basic types

Maybe I have something wrong in project configuration...

Any help?

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Get Outlook contacts from C++ application

Publicado por Diego (3 intervenciones) el 21/08/2019 11:15:00
Just if usefull for anyone, I found how to compile the code here:

Just add to the import line:

... rename("Folder", "OlkFolder") rename("CopyFile", "OlkCopyFile")` rename("GetOrganizer", "GetOrganizerAE")

to avoid the compilation errors
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