Dreamweaver - How to Cross Out Discord Text


How to Cross Out Discord Text

Publicado por Pblishthepost (2 intervenciones) el 11/12/2021 11:34:24
If you're wondering how to cross out text in Discord, you've come to the right place! There are many ways to use this feature, from humor to expressing an opinion. Here are a few examples of how you can do it: '-'. On desktop, you can simply click the '-' icon on a message to strike through the text. '-' is also useful in a DM conversation.

To add the '-' sign to a message, type '-' into the "strikethrough" box. Then, copy and paste the text anywhere on the message. You can also insert humorous text by adding a '-' sign. You can also use '-' to insert the word '-' in server channels. Using these tips, you'll be able to add striking-through text in Discord with ease.

To add a strikethrough, use the '-' sign. In Discord, you can type '-' in any text field, including within the message. The '-' sign is a good way to insert funny text. You can also cross out other users' messages to make your own channel! There are numerous ways to do this in Discord, and they're all simple and effective. The next time you want to write something funny, try these methods.

Another method to cross out text in Discord is to insert a '-' sign into a message. The '-' symbol can be added to any text field in Discord. To add a '-' sign to a message, you need to copy and paste the text into a new section of the conversation. This way, you can create your own channel, which is very easy to do.

How to cross out Discord? I hope everything about this topic has been cleared.
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