GeneXus - Can't save Blob file in Linux Server


Can't save Blob file in Linux Server

Publicado por Carlo (1 intervención) el 18/12/2017 14:09:41
Hi all,

i have a problem in a Genexus development.

I develop in Java on DB MySql and I use Apache Tomcat as WebServer.

The OS is Linux.

I have some transaction with blob data type. When i try to save the record. The transaction is commited but I can't save the blob file.
The same configuration into antoher server with the same configuration works properly.

I check permission to folder PublicTemp and PrivateTemp and are the same of the working pc.

Any idea?

Thnak you
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Can't save Blob file in Linux Server

Publicado por Daniel Torres S. (5 intervenciones) el 20/01/2018 04:35:30
Verifica que los permisos esten configurados correctamente en esas carpetas (permisos administrativos). Nosotros tenemos sistemas en Java corriendo en Linux utilizando los blob y funcionan sin problemas
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