LabView - SMS modem


SMS modem

Publicado por Turki (1 intervención) el 22/11/2005 21:35:23
Hello there:

First im sorry , to say i dont know how to speak or read in Spanish, but i realy need a help from you guys, i have my final year project , and it has some electroinc staff, and i odnt know much about that, because im an IT/SW student. i need your help in translating orders from sms modem to make action in some electronic devices, like swtich off, swtich on, and some other orders.
i wish i can get your help guys. i will for ur replies.

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RE:SMS modem

Publicado por Toni (2 intervenciones) el 30/11/2005 11:05:37
This answer is extract from this forum. You can paste this text in a translation page like altavista. I hope it's help.

Si, es posible. Lo que se necesita es un mail to sms gateway service. Muchas companias ofrecen este servicio que hace posible mandar un sms de su ordenador con su programa de correo electronico. Este servicion convierte el correo electronico (EMail) a un SMS para telefonos movil. Asi en LabView se puede utilizar los vi's de EMail. Lo que tienes que consegir es el nombre del server de este servicio.
Thomas Gloor
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