Matlab - Funcion align Matlab


Funcion align Matlab

Publicado por Javi (6 intervenciones) el 10/10/2007 15:32:59

Querria saber como usar la función align en matlab para alinear tres imagenes entre si


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RE:Funcion align Matlab

Publicado por fismat (391 intervenciones) el 12/10/2007 14:50:11
Hola Javi

Puedes ver la documentacion de matlab

>> help align

Tambien puedes encontraras unos programas que te permiten alignment imagenes en el directorio de intercambio de programas de Matlab en la siguiente direccion.


help align

Align user interface controls (uicontrols) and axes


Positions = align(HandleList,'HorizontalAlignment', 'VerticalAlignment')
Positions = align(CurPositions,'HorizontalAlignment', 'VerticalAlignment')


align(HandleList,'HorizontalAlignment','VerticalAlignment') aligns the uicontrol and axes objects in HandleList, a vector of handles, according to the options HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment. The following table shows the possible values for HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment.

Argument: Possible Values

None, Left, Center, Right, Distribute, Fixed

None, Top, Middle, Bottom, Distribute, Fixed

All alignment options align the objects within the bounding box that encloses the objects. Distribute and Fixed align objects to the bottom left of the bounding box. Distribute evenly distributes the objects while Fixed distributes the objects with a fixed distance (in points) between them.

If you use Fixed for Horizontal Alignment or Vertical Alignment, then you must specify the distance, in points, as an extra argument. These are some examples:


distributes the specified components Distance points horizontally and aligns them vertically as specified.


aligns the specified components horizontally as specified and distributes them Distance points vertically.


distributes the specified components HorizontalDistance points horizontally and distributes them VerticalDistance points vertically.

Note 72 points equals 1 inch.

Positions = align(HandleList,'HorizontalAlignment', 'VerticalAlignment') returns updated positions for the specified objects as a vector of Position vectors. The position of the objects on the figure does not change.

Positions = align(CurPositions,'HorizontalAlignment', 'VerticalAlignment') returns updated positions for the objects whose positions are contained in CurPositions, where CurPositions is a vector of Position vectors. The position of the objects on the figure does not change.
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