Microcontroladores - passive voice correctors

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passive voice correctors

Publicado por Sienna (1 intervención) el 06/08/2022 15:26:10
Hello! Having tried many helpers and tools for checking text, I am sure that nothing will check your text better than these passive voice correctors. The main function of this tool is to check the passive voice, but you can also find many other functions that will help improve your text. This tool has helped me out for many years and I recommend it to everyone!
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Publicado por Lenora Grimes (1 intervención) el 06/01/2023 10:50:33
The passive voice is a grammatical construction that describes a state or an event through the use of the past participle (the form used to form verbs from nouns). The most common example of this sentence structure is "I was given a book." In this sentence, I is the subject of the sentence, but it could just as easily be written as "I was given a book" or even "I was given by someone else."The use of the passive voice has many negative effects on your writing and speech. It can make you sound boring and uninteresting. You can buy custom essay now. It also hinders your ability to take control of your own life by making you look like an object rather than a person who makes decisions and acts on them.
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