Microsoft Exchange - Libreta direcciones compartida


Libreta direcciones compartida

Publicado por Ruben Gomez (1 intervención) el 24/01/2007 14:10:28
Hola a todos, necesitaría saber como puedo crear una libreta de dirreciones compartida en mi organización exchange en la cual los usuarios que elija puedan incluir o quitar las direcciones que quieran. Muchas gracias.
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RE:Libreta direcciones compartida

Publicado por Gustavo (3 intervenciones) el 01/02/2007 20:48:42
bueno eso es segun de que version de active directory estes utilizando , pero de todas todas, cada usuario que crees dentro de tu controlador de dominio se te ira agregando en la lista global de direcciones de outlook, todo usuario que este conectado al dominio y con una cuenta de correo creada en su maquina.

cualquier duda.
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RE:Libreta direcciones compartida

Publicado por Krusty (1 intervención) el 26/11/2008 00:27:40
Sigue los stes pasos :

Open the Exchange System Manager, and expand the Recipients folder.
Right-click All Address Lists, select New, and select Address List.
Enter a name for the address list, such as China Users, and click Filter Rules.
On the General tab, select which objects you want to display. You can exclude contacts, public folders, or other objects. For this example, deselect all check boxes except Users With Exchange Mailbox.
On the Storage tab, you can make selections to display objects found on a specific Exchange server or within a storage group.
On the Advanced tab, you can filter your list based on User, Contact, Group, or Public Folder attributes. For this example, click the Field button, click User, and click Country.
The Condition field offers several choices: Starts With, Ends With, Is (Exactly), Is Not, Present, or Not Present. For this example, select Is (Exactly), and enter China in the Value field.
Click Add, and your criteria becomes a filter for your list. You can add more criteria, but keep in mind that an object must meet all of the conditions before Exchange will display it in the list.
Click Find Now to display a list based on your criteria. Make sure the list is what you expect. If it looks fine, click OK, and click Finish.
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