Novell - Maximo de Disco


Maximo de Disco

Publicado por Sergio (5 intervenciones) el 20/02/2008 00:13:50
Hola tengo un servidor Netware 4.2 for small business y queria saber cuanto es le maximo de disco que ve el volumen novell.. ya que ve solo 10gb en un disco de 40gb..
Hay alguna forma de que vea mas en esta version???...

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RE:Maximo de Disco

Publicado por wenpe (92 intervenciones) el 22/02/2008 16:02:40
Usa el resize.nlm ( lo vas a tener que descargar de la pagina de novell ) no se si todavia este disponible

NetWare 4.x Volume Block Resizer version 1.1

Novell consulting is proud to release version 1.1 of the volume block resizer for NetWare 4.x.
This NLM utility is design to increase your NetWare volume block size (i.e., a 4k block size to a
64k block size). This is particularly beneficial for those users who are migrating from NetWare
3.x to NetWare 4.x and would like to increase their volume block size to take advantage of
NetWare 4.x features such as file suballocation and compression. However, it's not limited to
those who are migrating from 3.x. This utility can be used to increase the volume block size on
any NetWare 4.x volume.

Copy the RESIZE.NLM to SYS:SYSTEM onto the server containing the volume(s) that
are to be resized. At the system console enter: LOAD RESIZE <enter>.

A few rules:

1) The volume must be dismounted and inaccessible to users. The resize utility will list
those volumes that are available for the user to select a volume for volume block

2) Backup your data. This utility contains a point of no return, if the server loses power or
another problem takes down the server, the volume will be in an unstable state. For,
some files will be in the new block size and others in the old block size.

3) Recommend running vrepair before this utility to verify the volume is in good condition.

4) We recommend unmirroring your volumes. Thus, using one of the mirrored sets as a

5) NetWare SFT III - Servers need to be unmirrored during this process.

6) Recommend purging all deleted files to free up volume blocks. This utility requires at
least 15% of the volume blocks to be free. A deleted, but not purged file uses' available

7) Name spaces (i.e., MAC, OS/2, LONG & NFS) are supported.

8) If suballocation is not previously enabled, it will be enabled and all small files (files less
than the new block size) will be suballocated. Otherwise, it would run out of disk space
because the volume will have fewer volume blocks.

9) This utility will only increase the volume block size, it does not decrease to a smaller

10) The front-end to this utility is not sexy, but very functional. It maybe enhanced with
future updates.

11) Must backup your volume before running resize?

Issues to be aware of:

The volume block resize NLM contains a point of no return, when the Resize volume
message appears on the screen it has reached this point of no return. Up to this point the volume
can be recovered if the resize NLM is halted by hitting the esc key (except for some vrepair
errors). If the utility is halted during the resizing phase, the volume will be in an unstable state.
Some data will be in the old format, while some of it will be in the new format. In any case the
volume will be unreadable and unusable.

Server Memory - Resize.NLM requires about 4.4 MB of RAM for every G.B. of Volume Size.
E.I. - 1.6 G.B. requires 7.0 MB of RAM
2.7 G.B. requires 12.1 MB of RAM
17 G.B. requires 72 MB of RAM

Time Requirement:
This all depends on the type of data contained on the volume being processed. Volume
with lots of small files that need to be suballocated will take longer than volume with the
majority larger files. There is a timer in the program so you can see how long the different
phases take to complete.
For estimate only, actual result maybe greatly different:
75 minutes per G.B.

Performance can be enhanced slightly if the LAN drivers are unloaded, thus eliminating
I/O operation cause by access to other volumes or by the directory being synchronized.

Known problems in the Beta version of Volume Block Resizer v 1.1

1) It does not work properly with concatenated disk to create a single volume. However, It should
run fine on RAID systems.
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