Power Builder - usa pfc


usa pfc

Publicado por ultraman77 (2 intervenciones) el 05/07/2001 23:35:06
No estoy muy seguro pero un compañero de trabajo logró usar las pfc y en esas pfc utilizó un treeview que ya tiene funciones para bases de datos menos engorrosas que si usas un control treeview normal, checate la ayuda de pfc en ella está paso a paso como implantar el treeview de pfc aquí te pongo lo que encontré en la ayuda de pfc

Using the u_tvs TreeView control
The u_tvs TreeView control makes it easy for you to use DataWindows to display and update hierarchical database data in a TreeView. U_tvs includes services that you enable to obtain the features you need:
lBase service Provides basic services
lLevel source service Controls the display and update of database data in a TreeView level. Also controls the bitmaps displayed with TreeView data
The u_tv TreeView control
PFC also includes u_tv, a non-service-based TreeView that includes many of the same features as u_tvs. U_tv was the PFC TreeView control in previous releases and is not documented here.
Basic use
You use the TreeView level source service to associate each TreeView level with a data source (not to be confused with an ODBC data source). A data source can be:
lDataWindow object (using either data retrieved from the database or data stored with the DataWindow object)
lSQL statement
lDataWindow control
lDataStore control
lRows from an array
lA file
The TreeView level source service (implemented through the n_cst_tvsrv_levelsource custom class user object) maintains each TreeView level's data source in a DataStore and uses it to populate the TreeView level.
Establishing the level's data source You establish a level's data source by calling the n_cst_tvsrv_levelsource of_Register function. This function includes an argument that specifies how a level relates to the levels above
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