Visual Basic.NET - ENVIAR MAIL



Publicado por Edgar (23 intervenciones) el 09/08/2007 00:43:27
Hola amigos del foro, como estan, espero q bien, me podran ayudar en esto, tengo q enviar un correo electronico desde punto net, estoy realizando mi aplicativo con webfrom, gracias de antemano, saludos
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Publicado por rednred1 (16 intervenciones) el 09/08/2007 10:24:46
Imports System.web.mail
Imports System.Text
Public Function sendMailCreaLLUsr()

' Variable which will send the mail
Dim obj As System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail

'Variable to store the attachments
Dim Attachment As System.Web.Mail.MailAttachment

'Variable to create the message to send
Dim Mailmsg As New System.Web.Mail.MailMessage

'Set the properties
'Assign the SMTP server
obj.SmtpServer = "NOMBRE DE SERVIDOR"
'Multiple recepients can be specified using ; as the delimeter
'Address of the recipient
''Mailmsg.To = txtTo.Text
Mailmsg.To = "[email protected]" '''

'Your From Address

''Mailmsg.From = "[email protected]"

'Specify the body format
'''If chkFormat.Checked = True Then
''Mailmsg.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html 'Send the mail in HTML Format
Mailmsg.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Text
''End If

'Mail Subject
''Mailmsg.Subject = txtSubject.Text
Mailmsg.Subject = "Saludos aqui"

'Attach the files one by one
''For Counter = 0 To lstAttachment.Items.Count - 1
''Attachment = New MailAttachment(lstAttachment.Items(Counter))
'Add it to the mail message

'Mail Body
''Mailmsg.Body = txtMessage.Text
Mailmsg.Body = "Hola Mundo "



End Function
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