Visual Basic - Tray Icon en Visual

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Tray Icon en Visual

Publicado por z33k (1 intervención) el 18/12/2006 13:54:51
Codigo para tray icon en Visual Basic.
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RE:Tray Icon en Visual

Publicado por mxm (3 intervenciones) el 18/12/2006 13:55:33
'Module: SysTray.BAS
' To put an icon in system tray
'Author: Pheeraphat Sawangphian
'E-Mail: [email protected]
'Note: Put the following lines in Form Load event.
' SystemTray.cbSize = Len(SystemTray)
' SystemTray.hWnd = Me.hWnd
' SystemTray.uId = vbNull
' SystemTray.uFlags = NIF_ICON Or NIF_TIP Or NIF_MESSAGE
' SystemTray.ucallbackMessage = WM_MOUSEMOVE
' SystemTray.hIcon = <Icon>
' SystemTray.szTip = <Tip> & vbNullChar
' Call Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_ADD, SystemTray)
' Where <Icon> is an icon you want to show in system tray.
' <Tip> is a tip that shown when mouse moved over the icon in system tray
' You can detect mouse event in Form MouseMove event.
' To remove an icon from system tray:
' Call Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_DELETE, SystemTray)

Option Explicit 'force explicit declaration of all variables

Declare Function Shell_NotifyIcon Lib "shell32" Alias "Shell_NotifyIconA" (ByVal dwMessage As Long, pnid As NOTIFYICONDATA) As Boolean

Public Const NIM_ADD = &H0 'add an icon into system tray
Public Const NIM_MODIFY = &H1 'update an icon in system tray
Public Const NIM_DELETE = &H2 'remove an icon from system tray

Public Const NIF_MESSAGE = &H1 'I want return messages
Public Const NIF_ICON = &H2 'adding an icon
Public Const NIF_TIP = &H4 'adding a tip

'rodent constant need for the callback
Public Const WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = &H203
Public Const WM_RBUTTONUP = &H205
Public Const WM_MOUSEMOVE = &H200

'system tray notification definitions
cbSize As Long
hWnd As Long
uId As Long
uFlags As Long
ucallbackMessage As Long
hIcon As Long
szTip As String * 64
End Type

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