Visual Basic - Descargra y Subir archivos con el winsock

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Descargra y Subir archivos con el winsock

Publicado por Stevenmn (1 intervención) el 25/03/2007 22:32:35
Bueno ¡será que es posible!, he buscado tanto y no encuentro nada, he encontrado una forma de enviar, pero sólo enviar, ese seria como subir, pero para descargar con el winsock como lo haria.

Tendria que tener el path de la otra persona para ver sus filas, pero no entiendo muy bien para cogerla.

De todas formas con el de envio revisandolo bien intento hacer algo.

Grcias y muy buena web.
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RE:Descargra y Subir archivos con el winsock

Publicado por jorge avalos (1 intervención) el 27/03/2007 19:24:49
mira espero q te sirva, yo lo utilizo para enviar a un sitio y lo mismo se hace para tomar de ese sitio
nota el sitio debe de tener un directorio compartido en el cual puedas depositar o estraer info ok.

a mi me lo envio un chico de iran, regreso el favor, suerte!!!

Nota ya te lo de mas depurado heeeeee

Private Sub TransferFTP()
vm_ErrorFTP = False
If vm_ErrorFTP = False Then EnvioFTP
If vm_ErrorFTP = False Then DesconectaFTP
End Sub

Private Sub ConectaFTP()
StatusBar.Panels(1).Text = "Conectandose con Matriz..."
Inet1.Protocol = icFTP
Inet1.URL = vm_URL
Inet1.UserName = vm_Username
Inet1.Password = vm_Password
' if you change the order of assigning the URL,
' USERNAME,PASSWORD this will cause an error
' Donot change the order
'frmInet.Inet1.Execute , "DIR"
Exec "DIR"
End Sub

Private Sub EnvioFTP()
If vm_TransFac Then
StatusBar.Panels(1).Text = "Transmitiendo tabla: " & vm_Dbf(0) & ".DBF..."
UploadFTP vm_DirUpLoad & "\" & vm_Dbf(0) & ".DBF", vm_DirRemote
StatusBar.Panels(1).Text = "Transmitiendo tabla: " & vm_Dbf(1) & ".DBF..."
UploadFTP vm_DirUpLoad & "\" & vm_Dbf(1) & ".DBF", vm_DirRemote
End If
If vm_TransCli Then
StatusBar.Panels(1).Text = "Transmitiendo tabla: " & vm_Dbf(2) & ".DBF..."
UploadFTP vm_DirUpLoad & "\" & vm_Dbf(2) & ".DBF", vm_DirRemote
End If
If vm_TransTarif Then
StatusBar.Panels(1).Text = "Transmitiendo tabla: " & vm_Dbf(3) & ".DBF..."
UploadFTP vm_DirUpLoad & "\" & vm_Dbf(3) & ".DBF", vm_DirRemote
End If
If vm_TransRutas Then
StatusBar.Panels(1).Text = "Transmitiendo tabla: " & vm_Dbf(4) & ".DBF..."
UploadFTP vm_DirUpLoad & "\" & vm_Dbf(4) & ".DBF", vm_DirRemote
End If
End Sub

Function UploadFTP(vl_FileLocal As String, vm_DirRemote As String)
Dim Shortname As String

If Not ExisFile(vl_FileLocal) Then
txtlog.Text = "No Existe el archivo: " + vl_FileLocal + vbNewLine + txtlog.Text
Exit Function
End If
If Inet1.StillExecuting Then Exit Function

Shortname = Fsys.GetFile(vl_FileLocal).Shortname ' getting the short path of the filename

Exec "PUT " & vl_FileLocal & " " & vm_DirRemote & Shortname
End Function

Function Exec(Oper As String)
On Error GoTo handler

If Inet1.StillExecuting Then Exit Function

Inet1.Execute , Oper

Do While Inet1.StillExecuting ' This will wait until the inet execution completes

' In FTP operations through inet we are concerned with
' Execute Method of inet
' Inet1.execute Url,Operation,InputData,InputHdrs
' Dont panic with Execute statement we are only
' concerned with the Operation parameter of the execute
' method of inet
' basic syntaxes of inet FTP operations are:
' inet1.execute ,"PUT localfilename remotefilename" ' this is for Uploading
' inet1.execute ,"GET remotefilename localfilename" ' this is for downloading
' inet1.execute ,"DIR" 'for the directory
' inet1.execute ,"CD dirname" ' for changing DIrectory
' inet1.execute ,"MKDIR newdir" ' for creating Directory
' inet1.execute ,"RMDIR dirname" ' for removing the directory
' inet1.execute ,"RENAME filename newfilename" ' for renaming the files
' inet1.execute ,"DELETE filename" ' for deleting files
' inet1.execute ,"CDUP" ' for levelup
' inet1.execute ,"CLOSE" ' for closing the connection
' See how easy the FTP operations through inet are
' only one thing that is to be noticed is that
' the localfilename/remotefilename/newdir/dirname/filename
' /newfilename they must not have spaces in between them
' inet1.execute ,"PUT C:\my documents\mypic.jpg mypic.jpg" ' this execution makes an error due to space in localfilename
' inet1.execute ,"PUT c:\mydocu~1\mypic.jpg mypic.jpg" ' this execution will not make any error because localfilename havent got any space
' inet1.execute ,"MKDIR new dir" ' this execution makes an error
' inet1.execute ,"MKDIR newdir" ' this execution is OK
' see how easy with inet control FTP operations are
' if we take care of the execute statement
' a single activex can handle all your FTP Uploading easy
' Email: [email protected]
' Web:

Pause 1000

If f = True Then
f = False
'Inet1.Execute , "DIR"
'Do While Inet1.StillExecuting ' This will wait until the inet execution completes
End If

Exit Function

txtlog.Text = Err.Description + vbNewLine + txtlog.Text
vm_ErrorFTP = True
End Function

Function DIR()
If Inet1.StillExecuting Then Exit Function
Exec "DIR"
End Function

Function DesconectaFTP()
If Inet1.StillExecuting Then Exit Function
Exec "CLOSE"
End Function

Sub Pause(HowLong As Long)
Dim u%, tick As Long
tick = GetTickCount()
u% = DoEvents
Loop Until tick + HowLong < GetTickCount
End Sub

Private Sub Inet1_StateChanged(ByVal State As Integer)
Dim data1 As String, data2 As String
Dim Label1 As String

Select Case State

Case 0
Label1 = " "
Case 1
Label1 = "Buscando Host..."
Case 2
Label1 = "Host Encontrado..."
Case 3
Label1 = "Conectando..."
Case 4
Label1 = "En Linea..."
Case 5
Label1 = "Requesting"
Case 6
Label1 = "Request Sent"
Case 7
Label1 = "Recieviendo Respuesta..."
Case 8
Label1 = "Respuesta Devuelta..."
Case 9
Label1 = "Desconectando..."
Case 10
Label1 = "Fuera de linea..."
Case 11
Label1 = "No se realizó la conexión. " & IIf(Err.Number > 0, Err.Description & " Error No.:" & Err.Number, " ")
Case 12
Label1 = "Transferencia Completa..."
Dim col As New Collection

Do While True
'Change datatype to icByteArray to receive data in binary
data1 = Inet1.GetChunk(512, icString)
If Len(data1) = 0 Then Exit Do
DoEvents 'Transfer control to operating system
data2 = data2 & data1
' TotalData = data2 ' the Totaldata Contains All the directories u can also programe Text1.Text=TotalData for viewing Directories
' AddNamesToList data2, List1
' List1.AddItem data2
' txtDir.Text = data2
End Select
txtlog.Text = Label1 + vbNewLine + txtlog.Text
End Sub
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