Visual Basic - urgente: mandar fax

Life is soft - evento anual de software empresarial

urgente: mandar fax

Publicado por jesus (3 intervenciones) el 04/09/2001 13:50:04
hola a todos
necesito hacer una aplicacion para mandar un fax utilizando visualbasic, me da igual q el texto y las imagenes las meta a pelo o q se mande directamente un documento de word o lo q sea...

q objeto utilizo? hay q pagar para poder usarlo en aplicaciones comerciales?

un saludo y muchisimas gracias
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RE:urgente: mandar fax

Publicado por Gaba (43 intervenciones) el 05/09/2001 12:01:30
Probado con VB6 bajo Windows 2000.
'---------HERE IT IS-----------
'After a long search on this application
'i found a simple solution
'No third party controls required.
'What all you require on the system installed are
'1. Microsoft Fax (from \tools\oldwin95 folder on Win98 CD.)
'2. Microsoft Outlook. (not Outlook Express)
'3. Add the Outlook 8.0 object library in the project references.
'To see how it happens?
'Open Outlook and minimize it before you run this app.
'If you found this code helpful feel free to use it.
'Also let me know. I will feel happy.
'[email protected]

Dim objOutlook As New Outlook.Application
Dim objOutlookMsg As Outlook.MailItem
Dim TelNo As String

Private Sub Command1_Click()
TelNo = "223344" '*** You can use any intl format also
'Create a mail item.
Set objOutlookMsg = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
With objOutlookMsg
.To = "[Fax:" & TelNo & "]"
.Subject = "Automated System Reports."
.Body = "To Mr. XYZ" & Chr(10) & " This is an Automated Transmission from the computer."
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RE:urgente: mandar fax

Publicado por jesus (3 intervenciones) el 05/09/2001 12:24:59
muchas gracias... voy a probarlo
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