Windows - Cómo obtener funciones exportadas en las DLL


Cómo obtener funciones exportadas en las DLL

Publicado por Adrián Rivero Balceiro (7 intervenciones) el 09/08/2008 22:57:38
Agradecería a alguien que me diera un set de funciones API para obtener una lista de todas las funciones que exporta un módulo (DLL).

Gracias a Todos

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RE:Cómo obtener funciones exportadas en las DLL

Publicado por igor (8 intervenciones) el 14/08/2008 11:12:59
Puedes utilizar el link de VB para hacer un listado de las funciones que contiene una librería.

link /dump /exports NombreArchivo /out:DestinoLista
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RE:Cómo obtener funciones exportadas en las DLL

Publicado por Smaugh (7 intervenciones) el 16/08/2008 07:08:29
Amigo gracias de todos modos. Ya encontré un buen código para hacerlo, me trabaja genial, creo que al final lo que hace es leer la tabla directamente del archivo. Okay

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RE:Cómo obtener funciones exportadas en las DLL

Publicado por igor (8 intervenciones) el 20/08/2008 17:01:52
Gracias a tí amigo, pero no te costaría nada poner el código, no?
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RE:Cómo obtener funciones exportadas en las DLL

Publicado por Smaugh (7 intervenciones) el 08/09/2008 09:54:48
Discúlpenme amigos, es que he tenido muchos problemas por acá con el lío de los huracanes (Gustav), y no había entrado al la web desde hace un tiempo.

Pues, descargué una unidad (Delphi), que tiene una función que hace todo el trabajo. La pongo a continuación

unit DLLTools;


Uses Windows, Classes, Sysutils, imagehlp ;

TDLLExportCallback = function (const name: String; ordinal: Integer;
address: Pointer): Boolean of Object;
{ Note: address is a RVA here, not a usable virtual address! }
DLLToolsError = Class( Exception );

Procedure ListDLLExports( const filename: String; callback:
TDLLExportCallback );
Procedure DumpExportDirectory( Const ExportDirectory: TImageExportDirectory;
lines: TStrings; const Image: LoadedImage );
Function RVAToPchar( rva: DWORD; const Image: LoadedImage ): PChar;
Function RVAToPointer( rva: DWORD; const Image: LoadedImage ): Pointer;


eDLLNotFound =
'ListDLLExports: DLL %s does not exist!';

| Procedure EnumExports
| Parameters :
| ExportDirectory: IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY record to enumerate
| image : LOADED_IMAGE record for the DLL the export directory belongs
| to.
| callback : callback function to hand the found exports to, must not be Nil
| Description:
| The export directory of a PE image contains three RVAs that point at tables
| which describe the exported functions. The first is an array of RVAs that
| refer to the exported function names, these we translate to PChars to
| get the exported name. The second array is an array of Word that contains
| the export ordinal for the matching entry in the names array. The ordinal
| is biased, that is we have to add the ExportDirectory.Base value to it to
| get the actual export ordinal. The biased ordinal serves as index for the
| third array, which is an array of RVAs that give the position of the
| function code in the image. We don't translate these RVAs since the DLL
| is not relocated since we load it via MapAndLoad. The function array is
| usually much larger than the names array, since the ordinals for the
| exported functions do not have to be in sequence, there can be (and
| frequently are) gaps in the sequence, for which the matching entries in the
| function RVA array are garbage.
| Error Conditions: none
| Created: 9.1.2000 by P. Below
Procedure EnumExports( const ExportDirectory : TImageExportDirectory ;
const image : LoadedImage ;
callback : TDLLExportCallback ) ;
TDWordArray = Array [0..$FFFFF] of DWORD;
i: Cardinal;
pNameRVAs, pFunctionRVas: ^TDWordArray;
pOrdinals: ^TWordArray;
name: String;
address: Pointer;
ordinal: Word;
Begin { EnumExports }
pNameRVAs :=
RVAToPointer( DWORD(ExportDirectory.AddressOfNames), image );
pFunctionRVAs :=
RVAToPointer( DWORD(ExportDirectory.AddressOfFunctions), image );
pOrdinals :=
RVAToPointer( DWORD(ExportDirectory.AddressOfNameOrdinals), image );
For i:= 0 to Pred( ExportDirectory.NumberOfNames ) Do Begin
name := RVAToPChar( pNameRVAs^[i], image );
ordinal := pOrdinals^[i];
address := Pointer( pFunctionRVAs^[ ordinal ] );
If not callback( name, ordinal+ExportDirectory.Base, address ) Then
End; { For }
End; { EnumExports }

| Procedure ListDLLExports
| Parameters :
| filename : full pathname of DLL to examine
| callback : callback to hand the found exports to, must not be Nil
| Description:
| Loads the passed DLL using the LoadImage function, finds the exported
| names table and reads it. Each found entry is handed to the callback
| for further processing, until no more entries remain or the callback
| returns false. Note that the address passed to the callback for a exported
| function is an RVA, so not identical to the address the function would
| have in a properly loaded and relocated DLL!
| Error Conditions:
| Exceptions are raised if
| - the passed DLL does not exist or could not be loaded
| - no callback was passed (only if assertions are on)
| - an API function failed
| Created: 9.1.2000 by P. Below
Procedure ListDLLExports( const filename : String ; callback :
TDLLExportCallback ) ;
imageinfo: LoadedImage;
pExportDirectory: PImageExportDirectory;
dirsize: Cardinal;
Begin { ListDLLExports }
Assert( Assigned( callback ));
If not FileExists( filename ) Then
raise DLLToolsError.CreateFmt( eDLLnotFound, [filename] );

If MapAndLoad( PChar( filename ), nil, @imageinfo, true, true ) Then
pExportDirectory :=
imageinfo.MappedAddress, false,

If pExportDirectory = Nil Then
EnumExports( pExportDirectory^, imageinfo, callback );
UnMapAndLoad( @imageinfo );
End; { ListDLLExports }

| Procedure DumpExportDirectory
| Parameters :
| ExportDirectory: a IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY record
| lines : a TStrings descendend to put the info into, must not be Nil
| Description:
| Dumps the fields of the passed structure to the passed strings descendent
| as strings.
| Error Conditions:
| will raise an exception if lines is Nil and assertions are enabled.
| Created: 9.1.2000 by P. Below
Procedure DumpExportDirectory( Const ExportDirectory : TImageExportDirectory;
lines : TStrings; const Image: LoadedImage ) ;
Begin { DumpExportDirectory }
Assert( Assigned( lines ));

lines.add( 'Dump of IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY' );
lines.add( format('Characteristics: %d',
lines.add( format('TimeDateStamp: %d',
lines.add( format('Version: %d.%d',
lines.add( format('Name (RVA): %x',
lines.add( format('Name (translated): %s',
[RVAToPchar(, Image )]));
lines.add( format('Base: %d',
lines.add( format('NumberOfFunctions: %d',
lines.add( format('NumberOfNames: %d',
lines.add( format('AddressOfFunctions (RVA): %p',
lines.add( format('AddressOfNames (RVA): %p',
lines.add( format('AddressOfNameOrdinals (RVA): %p',
End; { DumpExportDirectory }

| Function RVAToPointer
| Parameters :
| rva : a relative virtual address to translate
| Image : LOADED_IMAGE structure for the image the RVA relates to
| Returns : translated address
| Description:
| Uses the ImageRVAToVA function to translate the RVA to a virtual
| address.
| Error Conditions:
| Will raise an exception if the translation failed
| Created: 9.1.2000 by P. Below
Function RVAToPointer( rva : DWORD ; const Image : LoadedImage ) : Pointer;
pDummy: PImageSectionHeader;
Begin { RVAToPchar }
pDummy := nil;
Result :=
ImageRvaToVa( Image.FileHeader, Image.MappedAddress, rva,
pDummy );
If Result = Nil Then
End; { RVAToPointer }

| Function RVAToPchar
| Parameters :
| rva : a relative virtual address to translate
| Image : LOADED_IMAGE structure for the image the RVA relates to
| Returns : translated address
| Description:
| Uses the RVAToPointer function to translate the RVA to a virtual
| address. Note that we do not check that the address does indeed point
| to a zero-terminated string!
| Error Conditions:
| Will raise an exception if the translation failed
| Created: 9.1.2000 by P. Below
Function RVAToPchar( rva : DWORD ; const Image : LoadedImage ) : PChar ;
Begin { RVAToPchar }
Result := RVAToPointer( rva, image );
End; { RVAToPchar }

end {DLLTools}.


El procedimiento con el que interactuo directamente es con ListDLLExports, toma como parámetro el Path de la DLL y una función para enumerar las entradas y los nombres de las funciones exportadas en la misma.

Un saludo

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