Informar del error en el cursos: Getting Started with GeneXus

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.pdfGetting Started with GeneXus


Actualizado el 13 de Enero del 2016 por Administrador (Publicado el 3 de Noviembre del 2009)
14.514 visualizaciones desde el 3 de Noviembre del 2009
Manual de iniciación a GeneXus. En formato pdf. Contiene 47 páginas.

- Introduction
- System Requirements
- Trial Version Limitations
- Installation and Setup
- Trial Version Authorization
- Getting Started Step by Step
Step 1: Creating a Knowledge Base
Step 2: Creating an Object in GeneXus
Step 3: Defining Attributes for the Object Transaction Invoice
Step 4: Viewing the Completed Objects Form
Step 5: Defining Formulas in GeneXus
Step 6: Inserting a Business Rule
Step 7: Reviewing the Database after Creating the Invoice Object
Step 8: Creating a Customer Object
Step 9: Viewing Table Structure Changes
Step 10: Prototyping your Application in Visual Basic with Microsoft Access
Step 11: Viewing the Database Creation Report
Step 12: Creating the Tables with the Database Manager
Step 13: Specifying and Generating your Code
Step 14: Running your Application
Step 15: Adding New Objects to your Project: Item Transaction
Step 16: Viewing Table Structure Changes
Step 17: Impacting the Database
Step 18: Refactoring the Data and Generating the Programs
Step 19: Running your Application
Step 20: Creating a Report & Making a Call to It
Step 21: Specifying and Running your Application
How to Move your Application to .NET and JAVA
Step 1: Deploying your Application to .NET with Microsoft SQL Server
Step 2: Viewing the .NET Application Running
Step 3: Deploying your Application to Java with Microsoft SQL Server
Step 4: Viewing the JAVA Application Running
- Online Resources
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