Informar del error en el cursos: SEO Tutorial

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internetSEO Tutorial


Publicado el 13 de Marzo del 2012 por Administrador
4.614 visualizaciones desde el 13 de Marzo del 2012
Tutorial en inglés de SEO. Incluye:
I. Introduction – What Is SEO
1. How Search Engines Work, 2. Differences Between the Major Search Engines.
II. Keywords – the Most Important Item in SEO
1. Choosing the Right Keywords to Optimize For, 2. Keyword Density, 3. Keywords in Special Places, a. Keywords in URLs and File Names, b. Keywords , in Page Titles, c. Keywords in Headings.
III. Links – Another Important SEO Item
1. Why Links Are Important, 2. Inbound and Outbound Links, 3. Anchor text, 4. Link Practices That Are To Be Avoided.
IV. Metatags
V. Content Is King
1. What Is Good Content?, 2. Writing SEO Content for Search Engines -- And for People, 3. SEO Killers - Duplicate Content, Spam and Filler.
VI. Visual Extras and SEO
1. Images, 2. Animation and Movies, 3. Frames, 4. JavaScript.
VII. Static Versus Dynamic URLs
VIII. Promoting Your Site to Increase Traffic
1. Submitting Your Site to Search Directories, forums and special sites, 2. Specialized Search Engines, 3. Paid Ads and Submissions.
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