Informar del error en el cursos: Introducing Windows Azure

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.pdfIntroducing Windows Azure


Actualizado el 14 de Noviembre del 2018 por Administrador (Publicado el 26 de Febrero del 2014)
3.168 visualizaciones desde el 26 de Febrero del 2014
Guía de introducción a Windows Azure.
1. An Overview of Windows Azure
Fabric Controller
Content Delivery Network
2. Using Windows Azure: Scenarios
Creating a Scalable Web Application
Creating a Parallel Processing Application
Creating a Scalable Web Application with Background Processing
Creating a Web Application with Relational Data
Migrating an On-Premises Web Application with Relational Data
Using Cloud Storage from an On-Premises or Hosted Application
3. Understanding Windows Azure: A Closer Look
Creating Windows Azure Applications
Examining the Compute Service
Examining the Storage Service
Examining the Fabric Controller
4. Looking Ahead
5. Conclusions
6. For Further Reading
7. About the Author
En formato pdf. Contiene 26 páginas.
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