Informar del error en el cursos: Libre Office 4.1. Calc Guide. Working with Spreadsheets

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.pdfLibre Office 4.1. Calc Guide. Working with Spreadsheets


Publicado el 28 de Abril del 2014 por Administrador
4.114 visualizaciones desde el 28 de Abril del 2014
Manual de LibreOffice Calc.
Chapter 1 Introducing Calc.What is Calc?
Chapter 2 Entering, Editing, and Formatting Data
Chapter 3 Creating Charts and Graphs
Chapter 4 Using Styles and Templates in Calc
Chapter 5 Using Graphics in Calc
Chapter 6 Printing, Exporting, and E-mailing
Chapter 7 Using Formulas and Functions
Chapter 8 Using Pivot Tables
Chapter 9 Data Analysis
Chapter 10 Linking Calc Data
Chapter 11 Sharing and Reviewing Documents
Chapter 12 Calc Macros
Chapter 13 Calc as a Simple Database
Chapter 14 Setting up and Customizing Calc
En formato pdf. Contiene 446 páginas.
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