Informar del error en el cursos: IBM Informix Developer's Handbook

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.pdfIBM Informix Developer's Handbook


Publicado el 8 de Febrero del 2016 por Administrador
3.579 visualizaciones desde el 8 de Febrero del 2016
Manual de Informix en inglés.
Chapter 1. Introduction to IBM Informix
Chapter 2. Setting up an Informix development environment
Chapter 3. Working with the ODBC driver
Chapter 4. Working with ESQL/C
Chapter 5. Working with the JDBC drivers
Chapter 6. IBM Informix with Hibernate
Chapter 7. Working with IBM Informix OLE DB Provider
Chapter 8. Working with .NET data providers
Chapter 9. Working with PHP
Chapter 10. User-defined routines
Chapter 11. Working with Ruby on Rails
Chapter 12. Informix 4GL Web Services
Chapter 13. Application development considerations
Appendix A. Parameters in the onconfig file
Appendix B. Accommodating distributed transactions
En formato pdf. Contiene 510 páginas.
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