Estadísticas del cursos: Learn Photoshop CS5 - PhotoShop

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internetLearn Photoshop CS5


Publicado el 12 de Junio del 2013 por Administrador
15.670 visualizaciones desde el 12 de Junio del 2013
Colección de video tutoriales oficiales de Adobe con respecto a PhotoShop CS5.
Getting Started (GS): What is Photoshop CS5?
Getting Started with Photoshop Companion apps for...
GS-01: Switching and saving workspaces
GS-02: Straightening a crooked image
GS-03: Correcting perspective with the Crop tool
GS-04: Using the marquee and lasso tools
GS-05: Introduction to adjustment layers
GS-06: Non-destructive transformations
GS-07: Warping images
GS-08: Making a ho-hum RAW image great
Russell Brown's Favorite Feature in Photoshop CS5...
Working with the new bristle brush tips
Using the Mixer Brush
Retouching images with Puppet Warp
Using improved selecting and masking
Refining selection edges
Content-aware filling and healing
Create enhanced HDR images with HDR Pro
Using faux HDR toning
Creating a surreal HDR look & removing "ghosts"
Automatically correcting lens defects
Painting in the 4th dimension with the History Bru...
Choosing colors precisely with the Eyedropper
Arranging layers
Creating a panorama
Tinting a photo
Saturating selectively with Vibrance
Creative sepia tones
Recovering detail in RAW images
Focusing the eye with Lens Blur
Photo effects
Creating Image Galleries with Adobe Bridge
Tablet techniques for the Mixer Brush
Creatively mixing layers with blending modes
Fine-tuning filters
In-depth HDR Pro
Automating tasks with Actions

45 visualizaciones durante los últimos 90 días