Clipper/FiveWin - Error 4412


Error 4412

Publicado por pepe (10 intervenciones) el 07/10/2006 18:26:17
Hola amigos, algunos de uds, sabra como resolver el problema del error interno 4412, al tratar de reindexar un dbf.
Gracias por la ayuda.
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RE:Error 4412

Publicado por Antoni Masana (168 intervenciones) el 09/10/2006 10:45:24
He encontrado esto sobre el error. Ojala te sirva.

ERROR 4412 - Indexing miscalculation
This error occurs during indexing if there has been a miscalculation of how indexing should occur. Action: Some suggestions to resolve the problem are:

1) Try increasing available conventional memory for indexing operation.

2) Try indexing using a small test program.

3) Test recreating the index with one more or one less database record.

4) Test recreating the index with one more or one less byte in the key expression.

5) Test adding CHR(0) to the key.

6) Test with the E:0 parameter in the SET CLIPPER environment variable.

This error may be a "magic number" type of error. It's possible that this error will disappear if more or less records are present in the database.

Thus, suggestions 3, 4, and 5 attempt to alter the length of the file. Note:

LEN(CHR(0)) is one byte, LEN("") is 0 bytes.

Test with combinations of the above suggestions. See Also: "The Runtime Environment" chapter of the Programming and Utilities Guide.
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