FoxPro/Visual FoxPro - having a problem with a grid based on a sql statement to a cursor.


having a problem with a grid based on a sql statement to a cursor.

Publicado por msFoxero (1 intervención) el 12/01/2012 20:25:45
Hi everyone-
having a problem with a grid based on a sql statement to a cursor.

I was able to get the blank grid probelm working by setting recordsource to nothing then call the SQL statement as shown below.

Thisform.grid1.RecordSource = ""
Select * From emptime Where empnumber = SelectedEmp And;
Cmonth(logdate) = thisform.monthname Into Cursor temp;
ORDER BY logdate && here is where I update the cursor

With Thisform.grid1
.SetAll([DynamicforeColor],"IIF(temp.logdate = DATE(), RGB(187,0,0),RGB(0,0,0))",[Column])
.RecordSource = "temp"
.FontSize = 8
.RowHeight = 20
.ColumnCount = 9

Problem - in all my column.text1 boxes, I have click events.
When I refresh the grid and see all new data, the click events do not work.

Must I programatically build my click events again, after the cursor is updated?
Thanks in advance for the help
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